Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Brain tissues used for whole transcriptome sequencing were excised from dam and fetus at necropsy (day 43 post-inoculation) and immediately immersed in RNALater (Ambion) for 24h at 4°C. Tissues were subsequently homogenized in TRIzol® Reagent (Life Technologies) and total RNA was isolated using the QIAGEN miRNeasy Kit. KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq with RiboErase workflow for Total RNA-Seq libraries (KAPA Biosystems). Library quality was evaluated using the Qubit® 3.0 Fluorometer and the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument. Constructed libraries were sequenced on an NextSeq 500 Illumina platform, producing 2x75nt stranded paired end reads (52 Gb). Image analysis, base calling, and error estimation were performed using Illumina Analysis Pipeline (version 2.8).