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SRX2243602: GSM2344798: WT_exp3_ribosome; Escherichia coli; OTHER
2 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) runs: 71.4M spots, 3.6G bases, 1.3Gb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Global analysis of translation termination in E. coli using release factor manipulations
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Terminating protein translation accurately and efficiently is critical for both protein fidelity and ribosome recycling for continued translation. The three bacterial release factors (RFs) play key roles: RF1 and 2 recognize stop codons and terminate translation; and RF3 promotes disassociation of bound release factors. Probing release factors mutations with reporter constructs containing programmed frameshifting sequences or premature stop codons had revealed a propensity for readthrough or frameshifting at these specific sites, but their effects on translation genome-wide have not been examined. We performed ribosome profiling on a set of isogenic strains with well-characterized release factor mutations to determine how they alter translation globally. Consistent with their known defects, strains with increasingly severe release factor defects exhibit increasingly severe accumulation of ribosomes over stop codons, indicative of an increased duration of the termination/release phase of translation. Release factor mutant strains also exhibit increased occupancy in the region following the stop codon at a significant number of genes. Our global analysis revealed that, as expected, translation termination is generally efficient and accurate, but that at a significant number of genes (= 50) the ribosome signature after the stop codon is suggestive of translation past the stop codon. Even native E. coli K-12 exhibits the ribosome signature suggestive of protein extension, especially at UGA codons, which rely exclusively on the reduced function RF2 allele of the K-12 strain for termination. Deletion of RF3 increases the severity of the defect. We unambiguously demonstrate readthrough and frameshifting protein extensions and their further accumulation in mutant strains for a few select cases. In addition to enhancing recoding, ribosome accumulation over stop codons disrupts attenuation control of biosynthetic operons, and may alter expression of some overlapping genes. Together, these functional alterations may either augment the protein repertoire or produce deleterious proteins. Overall design: Samples of WT, ?RF3, RF2B, and RF2B?RF3 were analyzed by ribosome profiling and RNA-seq. Over 4 experiments there are 4 replicates of WT, 2 replicates of ?RF3, 2 replicates of RF2B and 5 replicates of RF2B?RF3. One experiment (both ribosome profiling and RNA-seq) was performed in minimal media with a single sample for WT and ?RF3
Sample: WT_exp3_ribosome
SAMN05907814 • SRS1744500 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Whole cell lysates were clarified by brief centrifugation. Ribosome footprints were created using Mnase digestion (45 enzyme units per absorbance unit of lysate at 260nm). Using sucrose gradients the monosome fraction of lysate was isolated and footprints were size selected and converted to a cDNA library. Total RNA was extracted from purified lysate for a simultaneous RNA-seq library production for total RNA samples. Small RNA and ribosomal RNA subtraction was performed in total RNA samples using MEGAClear (ThermoFisher) and MicrobExpress (ThermoFisher) kits. Subtracted total RNA was then subjected to alkaline fragmentation prior to library preparation. A Linker-1 adapter (IDT) was ligated onto the 3' end of size selected RNA fragments, either ribosome footprints or fragmented total RNA. A cDNA library was created using Superscript III (ThermoFisher). After gel purification of the cDNA library all ssDNA fragments were circularized using CircLigase (Epicentre). For ribosome profiling samples rRNA containing circles were depleted using oligo-biotin and streptavidin coupled Dynabeads (ThermoFisher) subtraction. A PCR amplification off the circles using HF Phusion (NEB) completed the libraries by adding Illumina Tru-Seq adapters and a unique index for each sample.
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM2344798
Runs: 2 runs, 71.4M spots, 3.6G bases, 1.3Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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