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SRX1295313: GSM1897938: WT_RF_ZT18_B_RFP; Mus musculus; OTHER
16 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) runs: 153.1M spots, 7.7G bases, 4.8Gb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Circadian and feeding rhythms differentially affect rhythmic mRNA transcription and translation in mouse liver [Ribosome Profiling]
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Diurnal oscillations of gene expression are a hallmark of rhythmic physiology across most living organisms. Such oscillations are controlled by the interplay between the circadian clock and feeding rhythms. While rhythmic mRNA accumulation has been extensively studied, comparatively less is known about their transcription and translation. Here, we quantified simultaneously temporal transcription, accumulation, and translation of mouse liver mRNAs under physiological light-dark conditions and ad libitum or night-restricted feeding in wild-type and Bmal1 deficient animals. We found that rhythmic transcription predominantly drives rhythmic mRNA accumulation and translation for a majority of genes. Comparison of wild-type and Bmal1 KO mice shows that circadian clock and feeding rhythms have broad impact on rhythmic genes expression, Bmal1 deletion having surprisingly more impact at the post-transcriptional level. Translation efficiency is differentially regulated during the diurnal cycle for genes with 5'-TOP sequences and for genes involved in mitochondrial activity and harboring a TISU motif. The increased translation efficiency of 5'-TOP and TISU genes is mainly driven by feeding rhythms but Bmal1 deletion impacts also amplitude and phase of translation, including TISU genes. Together this study emphasizes the complex interconnections between circadian and feeding rhythms at several steps ultimately determining rhythmic gene expression and translation. Overall design: RIbosome profiling from total RNA of mouse liver during the dirunal cycle. Time-series ribosome density of wild type (WT) and Bmal -/- mice under ad libitum and night restriced feeding regimen were generated by deep sequencing.
Sample: WT_RF_ZT18_B_RFP
SAMN04122002 • SRS1094225 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Ribosome unprotected-mRNAs were digested with RNAse I (350 U/mg of protein, Invitrogen) and resulting footprints were isolated and extracted with classical methods using guanidium thiocyanate lysis buffer. Eluted RNA (50 – 250 ng) was heat denatured 3 min at 65°C. The 3'-terminal cyclophosphate resulting from the RNAse I digestion was removed in a 50 L reaction with 10 U of T4 PNK (New England Biolabs) in the absence of ATP. After 60 min incubation at 37°C, ATP is supplemented to a final concentration of 1 mM together with an addition of 10 U T4 PNK and reaction is further incubated 60 min at 37°C. Libraries were generated using Truseq Small RNA kit (Illumina) or NEXTflex™ Small RNA Sequencing Kit v2. For both methods, manufacturer's recommendations were stricly followed.
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM1897938
Runs: 16 runs, 153.1M spots, 7.7G bases, 4.8Gb
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