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Appendix BAdditional Sources for Journal Title Abbreviations

Created: ; Last Update: October 2, 2015.

ISO 4 (International Organization for Standardization. Information and documentation - rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications. Geneva (Switzerland): The Organization; 1997.) is the recognized authority for abbreviating words in journal titles. The LTWA (List of Title Word Abbreviations) for this standard is maintained by and available as a service from the ISSN International Centre in Paris.

The Source List below is selected alternative sources for journal title abbreviations for titles not found in the NLM Catalog in the Journals referenced in the NCBI databases list. These sources are considered authoritative within their specific area or discipline. Be aware that some do not use the ISO standard as their basis. For example, ISO does not permit abbreviations of the romanized words from titles appearing in character-based languages but some of these sources do permit it.

For abbreviations of individual words in a journal title, see Appendix A: Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Journal Titles. Please note that you may see contradictory abbreviations for some words in titles because journal title abbreviations do not usually change when rules for specific words change.

Source List

Abbreviations of names of serials [Internet]. Providence (RI): American Mathematical Society; [revised 2015 Apr 1; cited 2015 May 5]. [30 p.]. Available from: http://www.ams.org/msnhtml/serials.pdf List gives the form of references used in Mathematical Reviews.

Alkire LG Jr., editor. Periodical title abbreviations: by title. 17th ed. Detroit (MI): Thompson Gale; c2007. 2 vol. Vol. 1, By abbreviation; vol. 2, By title. For the Kindle there is an 18th ed., c2013 published by Expedient Solutions (Spokane, WA).

All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources [Internet]. [Fair Lawn (NJ)]: Stands4 LLC.; [200?] -   [cited 2015 May 5]. Available from: http://www.abbreviations.com/jas.php Originally compiled by Gerry McKiernan, Science and Technology Librarian and Bibliographer, Science and Technology Department, Iowa State University Library, Ames, IA.

Authors' guide [Internet]. 4th ed. Version 20081103. Boston (MA): American Meteorological Society; c2008. Appendix C: Standard journal abbreviations; [cited 2015 April 27]; p. 77-82. Available from: https://wiki.ucar.edu/download/attachments/52003891/authguide.pdf

BIOSIS serial sources. Vol. 2004. Philadelphia (PA): Thomson; 2004. 612 p.

CAS: a division of the American Chemical Society [Internet]. Columbus (OH): Chemical Abstracts Service; c2015. CAplus Core Journal Coverage List; [last updated 2014 Mar; cited 2015 April 27]; [about 65 p.]. Available from: http://www.cas.org/content/references/corejournals

Coghill AM, Garson LR, editors. The ACS style guide: effective communication of scientific information. 3rd ed. Washington (DC): American Chemical Society; 2006. CASSI abbreviations for the 1000+ most commonly cited journals; p.328-39.

EMBASE list of journals indexed. St. Louis (MO): Elsevier; 2006? Current online search tool available at http://www.embase.com/#journalsSearch/default

Genamics JournalSeek [Internet]. Hamilton (New Zealand): Genamics; [date unknown] -   [updated 2015 Feb 26; cited 2015 May 5]. Available from: http://journalseek.net/index.htm

HCMR Library. List of journal titles abbreviations [Internet]. Anavyssos (Greece): Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (GR), Library, Documentation & Information Centre; c2008-2010 [cited 2015 April 27]. [about 65 p.]. Available from: http://www.hcmr.gr/gr/listview3.php?id=703

Inspec list of journals. London (England): Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); 2007. 550 p. Later versions are available for purchase and download in XML format through the IET shop

ISI journal title abbreviations [Internet]. Pasadena (CA): Caltech Library System; c2008 [cited 2008 Oct 21]. Available from: http://library.caltech.edu/reference/abbreviations/.

Journal Citation Reports® [Internet]. Sci. ed. New York: Thomson Reuters; 1998 -   [updated 2008 Jun 23; cited 2008 Oct 24]. Available from: http://www.thomsonreuters.com/products_services/scientific/Journal_Citation_Reports By subscription only, updated annually.

Journal titles and abbreviations (BIOSIS format) [Internet]. Gainesville (FL): University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Entomology and Nematology Department; [cited 2015 April 27]. [about 39 p.]. Available from: http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/pubs/all_journals.htm

Lindstrom K, editor. Science and Engineering Journal Abbreviations [Internet]. Vancouver (CA): University of British Columbia, Woodward Library; [updated 2015 May 11; cited 2015 May 18]. Available from: http://woodward.library.ubc.ca/research-help/journal-abbreviations/.

List of Serials Indexed for Online Users [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): U.S. National Library of Medicine. 1983 -   [cited 2015 May 20]. Available from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lsiou.html Need to first read the Terms and Conditions, then can follow directions to download the current file. Updated annually.

Patton G (National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Frederick, MD), editor. Biological journals and abbreviations [Internet]. Frederick (MD): [publisher unknown]; c1996-2013 [cited 2015 May 18]. Available from: http://home.ncifcrf.gov/research/bja/.


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