DataSet Record GDS2113: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Pheochromocytomas of various genetic origins
Cluster AnalysisGDS2113 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of 76 adrenal and extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. These neural crest-derived tumors of uniform phenotype arise from inherited or sporadic mutations in at least six independent genes. Results provide insight into the molecular pathogenesis of pheochromocytomas.
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL96: [HG-U133A] Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array
  • Dahia PL, Ross KN, Wright ME, Hayashida CY et al. A HIF1alpha regulatory loop links hypoxia and mitochondrial signals in pheochromocytomas. PLoS Genet 2005 Jul;1(1):72-80. PMID: 16103922
Reference Series: GSE2841 Sample count: 75
Value type: count Series published: 2005/08/12