DataSet Record GDS1088: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Normal tissues of diverse types (SHDP)
Cluster AnalysisGDS1088 Cluster Image
Summary: Expression profiling of 115 samples from 35 different types of normal tissues. Samples obtained by surgery or autopsy, and evaluated by pathologists. Results provide insight into the molecular organization of diverse cell types, and provide a baseline for comparison to diseased tissues.
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL1826: SHDP
  • Shyamsundar R, Kim YH, Higgins JP, Montgomery K et al. A DNA microarray survey of gene expression in normal human tissues. Genome Biol 2005;6(3):R22. PMID: 15774023
Reference Series: GSE2193 Sample count: 11
Value type: log ratio Series published: 2005/02/21