Variable Name and Accession

Variable Name: Gender
Variable Accession: phv00020520.v1.p1
Variable belongs to dataset: pht000007.v1.p1 : cde_mnd: NINDS ALS cases (repository)

Variable Description

Gender of the subject

Terms Linked to This Variable
SystemCodeTermAuthorMappingLink to Other dbGaP Variables
that Map to the Same Term
LOINC 46098-0 Sex PhenX comparable Link
LOINC 63898-1 Deprecated Cancer relative gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX130501020200 Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX820102370000 QualityOfCareChildren Your Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX150102010000 Sex PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX091601390000 Sex PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX810301400000 SingleBreath CarbonMonoxide DiffusingCapacity Subject Sex PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX011801010000 Gender Identity Term PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX220301250000 Bone Age Patient Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX150202020000 Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX161201010000 Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX020302160000 BodyComposition Dxa WholeBody Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX150203010000 Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX070601010100 Self Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX150201020000 Gender PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX150101020000 Sex PhenX comparable Link
PhenX PX811301030000 SerumPlasmaFerritin Gender PhenX related Link
Statistical Summary
Document Parts Related to Variable