Document Name and Accession

Document Name: Corrections for the MICEPAP form from October 1, 2008
Document Accession: phd007615.1


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Corrections for the MICEPAP form from October 1, 2008


Clinical Site and Data Entry

  1. Please change “Date of Visit” to “Date of Chart Review”

1. Inclusion Criteria

  1. The third criteria listed under PAP diagnosis should read

    Elevated GM-CSF Ab concentration ◯ Yes ◯ No

2. Exclusion Criteria

  1. Delete “Incomplete chart records in which >25% of the requested data is unable to be confirmed”


Clinical Site and Data Entry

  1. Please change “Date of Visit” to “Date of Chart Review”

1. Diagnosis and Key Dates

  1. Clinical form of PAP present: GM-CSF Ab ◯ Positive ◯ Negative ◯ Unknown

2. Demographics

  1. For Place of birth and Current Residence

    A. Can you please put the countries and the other option on one line

    Country: ◯ Germany ◯ US ◯ Italy ◯ Japan ◯ Other ____________

    B. Can you please list the option “Unknown” after State, Provence, Prefecture

    State:________ Provence:_________ Prefecture:___________ ◯ Unknown

3. Tobacco Exposure

  1. Please change environmental smoke exposure to environmental (secondary) smoke exposure

4. Occupational Exposure

  1. Add the category “unknown” after the duration of exposure (years)

5. Medical Illnesses:

  1. Please add (see section 9 to record data regarding infections) after the heading for this section

Bone Marrow

  1. Add Myelofibrosis between Multiple Myeloma and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Autoimmune Disorders

  1. Add Bechet’s Disease between Autoimmune thyroiditis and Cryoglobulinemia
  2. Combine Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis under the autoimmune disorders

Miscellaneous Disorders

  1. Please make this section a subsection of section 5. Medical Illnesses
  2. Add a space for the indication of “Other Medical History”

6. Medical Illnesses in Family Members

  1. Please change the options in the category “Clinical form of PAP present:” to the following
    • GM-CSF Ab ◯ Positive ◯ Negative ◯ Unknown

      ◯ Surfactant Metabolic Dysfunction Disorder: due to mutations in

      • ◯ SP-B ◯ ABCA3 ◯ SP-C

7. Clinical Presentation

  1. Please add the following information after the heading for this section (defined as when the patient first went to the doctor with symptoms)
  2. Please add the following to the list of symptoms and signs present at onset of PAP
    • Crackles ◯Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
    • Weight Loss ◯Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
  3. Please add Vital Signs after the list of symptoms and signs present at onset of PAP
    TemperatureF or C
    Respiration Rate
    BPsitting standing or supine
    % Saturationsitting standing or supine
  4. Arterial Blood Gas Please add FiO2 ◯ Room Air ◯ O2 _____L/min

8. Diagnosis

  1. Please add the following statement after the heading for this section

    If the diagnosis was made at the same time as the clinical presentation, please see instructions for section 8 in the manual of operations.

  2. Please verify that the following question is indicated under the title for this section-

    At the time of diagnosis, which of the following symptoms and signs were present?

  3. Please add the following to the list of symptoms and signs present at onset of PAP
    • Crackles ◯Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
    • Weight Loss ◯Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
  4. Please add Vital Signs after the list of symptoms and signs present at onset of PAP
    TemperatureF or C
    Respiration Rate
    BPsitting standing or supine
    % Saturationsitting standing or supine
  5. Please verify that the following question is asked after the Vital Signs and before the data for the Chest X-ray -

    At the time of diagnosis, what studies were done?

  6. Complete Blood Count please add the option to include platelet (Plt) data

    Complete blood count ◯Yes ◯No◯Unknown Result(1000’s):WBC:___ Hb:___Hct:___Plt: ___

  7. Arterial Blood Gas Please add FiO2 ◯ Room Air ◯ O2 _____L/min

9. Infection

  1. To the question “What organism was identified?
    • Please change
      • Mycobacterium (Not TB) to Non-tuberculosis Mycobacteria
      • TB to Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    • Please add
      • Pneumocystis carinii

10. Treatment

  1. Please subscript the “2” in the following category
    • Long Term O2 therapy: ◯ Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
  2. Please add a section to indicate the duration of the GM-CSF treatment when dose and frequency are administrated
    • Duration__________ (month)

11. Serum Collection

1.Please add the following statement after the heading for this section

If the serum to be evaluated in this study was collected at the diagnosis, please see the instructions for section 11 in the manual of operations.

2.Please verify that the following question is indicated before the list of symptoms and signs
  • “At the time of serum collection for this study, which of the following symptoms and signs were present?”
3.Please add the following to the list of symptoms and signs present at onset of PAP
  • Crackles ◯Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
  • Weight Loss ◯Yes ◯ No ◯ Unknown
4.Please add Vital Signs after the list of symptoms and signs present At the time of serum collection
TemperatureF or C
Respiration Rate
BPsitting standing or supine
% Saturationsitting standing or supine
4.Please verify that the following question is asked after the Vital Signs and before the data for the Chest X-ray -
  • “At the time of serum collection for this study, what studies were done?”
5.Complete Blood Count please add the option to include platelet (Plt) data

Complete blood count ◯Yes ◯No◯Unknown Result(1000’s):WBC:___ Hb:___Hct:___Plt: ___

6.Arterial Blood Gas Please add FiO2 ◯ Room Air ◯ O2 _____L/min