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Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Depth-stratified functional and taxonomic niche specialization in the ‘core' and ‘flexible' Pacific Ocean Virome.

The core and flexible Pacific Ocean viromes. (a) Euler diagram depicting shared and exclusive PCs that are core to the photic and aphotic zone viromes. (b) Core and flexible PCs as a function of the number of viromes in the analysis. Core PCs (squares) are present in all viromes considered, whereas flexible PCs (triangles) are present in only a subset of viromes. Symbols represent the average number of PCs for all combinations of a given number of metagenomes, and error bars represent the range.

Bonnie L Hurwitz, et al. ISME J. 2015 Feb;9(2):472-484.
Figure 7

Figure 7. From: Graphene-Based Flexible Strain Sensor Based on PDMS for Strain Detection of Steel Wire Core Conveyor Belt Joints.

Sensor sensitivity for applications inside steel cord conveyor belts: (a) Response curve of wire rope core conveyor belt to pressure and resistance change of internal flexible sensor. (b) Response curve of the change in resistance of the internal flexible sensor and the amount of pulling force on the conveyor belt rope.

Pengfei Li, et al. Sensors (Basel). 2023 Sep;23(17):7473.
Fig 1

Fig 1. Tandem core technology.. From: Tandem Fusion of Hepatitis B Core Antigen Allows Assembly of Virus-Like Particles in Bacteria and Plants with Enhanced Capacity to Accommodate Foreign Proteins.

a) The structure of a monomeric HBc VLP with one HBcAg dimer shown in a surface representation coloured yellow and green. b) Two HBcAg sequences fused together via a flexible linker makes a tandem core construct, with either full-length (hetero-tandem) or truncated (homo-tandem) C-terminus, and two modifiable major insertion regions (MIRs). c) Structure of a tandem core protein: N-terminal core 1 (in green) is fused via a flexible linker (red) to C-terminal core 2 (yellow). The two views are related by a 90° rotation.

Hadrien Peyret, et al. PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0120751.
Figure 6

Figure 6. From: A High-Performance Flexible Hydroacoustic Transducer Based on 1-3 PZT-5A/Silicone Rubber Composite.

(a) The flexible and rigid piezoelectric sensitive core sample. (b) The FPCHT and RPCHT sample.

Shaohua Hao, et al. Sensors (Basel). 2024 Apr;24(7):2081.
FIG. 5.

FIG. 5. From: Species- and Strain-Specific Control of a Complex, Flexible Regulon by Bordetella BvgAS .

Functional categorization of ORFs in core and flexible BvgAS regulons. Bvg-regulated genes (red, Bvg activated; green, Bvg repressed) were grouped by functional categories (, ). Data are expressed as the percentage that is regulated by BvgAS among all annotated ORFs in each class. (A) B. bronchiseptica. ORFs in the core regulon were Bvg regulated by strains RB50, Bbr77, and Bbr81. Those in the flexible regulon were Bvg regulated in either one or two of the three strains. (B) B. pertussis. ORFs in the core regulon were Bvg regulated by strains GMT-1 and Tohama I. Those in the flexible regulon were Bvg regulated in only one of the two strains.

C. A. Cummings, et al. J Bacteriol. 2006 Mar;188(5):1775-1785.
Figure 3.

Figure 3. From: Core flexibility of a truncated metazoan mitochondrial tRNA.

Outline of the construction of double-bend tRNA–A5 bulge constructs. (A) Construction of the tRNA core and A5 bulge. The phasing bases are indicated as N. The additional extensions are indicated as (dotted line). (B) Schematic representation of the phase constructs for a rigid tRNA core, and (C) for a flexible tRNA core.

Ashley A. Frazer-Abel, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Oct;36(17):5472-5481.
<span style="font-variant: small-caps" class="small-caps">Fig</span> . 1.

Fig . 1. From: The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pan-Genome Provides New Insights on Its Population Structure, Horizontal Gene Transfer, and Pathogenicity.

—The P. aeruginosa pan-genome (A) a pan-genome is constituted by three types of genes: core, flexible, and unique. Core genes are present in all isolates of a given bacterial species, flexible genes are present in more than one isolates but not all of them, unique genes are present in one single isolate. (B) Pie chart showing the proportions of core, flexible and unique genes determined by SaturnV (https://github.com/ejfresch/saturnV; last accessed May 18, 2017). Unique genes constitute 51% of the P. aeruginosa pan-genome, whereas flexible genes constitute 48% of it. Core genes constitute only 1% of the pan-genome.

Luca Freschi, et al. Genome Biol Evol. 2019 Jan;11(1):109-120.
Figure 4

Figure 4. From: The transcriptome landscape of Prochlorococcus MED4 and the factors for stabilizing the core genome.

Gene necessity analysis and COG functional enrichment of HEG. All coding-sequence genes were searched on the Database of Essential Genes (DEG8.0 []) using BLASTx (E-value = 1 × 10-4). (a) Comparison of the DEG-hit genes in the core and flexible genomes. (b) Comparisons of gene expression subclasses between DEG-hit and DEG-miss genes. (c) COG functional enrichment of HEG in the core genome. Statistic significance was performed by Fisher’s exact test (one-tailed). P-value ≤ 0.05 was indicated in figure. COG, clusters of orthologous groups; Core, the core genome; DEG-hit, genes with homologs identified in the database; DEG-miss, genes without any known homologs; Flexible, the flexible genome; Unk, unknown function.

Bang Wang, et al. BMC Microbiol. 2014;14:11-11.
Figure 22

Figure 22. From: Investigation of Core Structure and Stability of Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex: A Coarse-Grained Approach.

Comparison of simulated core stability (Rg data as of ) with experimentally obtained DLS data, providing Rh. (a) Comparison with experimentally available mutants without flexible domains (CD). For these, experimental Rh is defined accurately because (almost) no flexible regions disturb the measurement. PCC = 0.986. (b) Comparison with mutants with flexible domains. The variable conformation of flexible domains in these cases blurs the experimental results. The PCC decreases to 0.857. All the experimental data from Guo et al. were rearranged for this comparison study.

Samira Hezaveh, et al. ACS Omega. 2017 Mar 31;2(3):1134-1145.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Flexible transbronchial optical frequency domain imaging smart needle for biopsy guidance.

(a) Schematic diagram of the TB-OFDI distal end. (b) Photograph of the polished ball-lens optical core. (c) Photograph of the flexible OFDI catheter insert. The inner optical core, which is encased in a nitinol driveshaft, is located within the sealed, optically transparent polyimide sheath.

K. M. Tan, et al. Biomed Opt Express. 2012 Aug 1;3(8):1947-1954.
Figure 4.

Figure 4. From: Structure and mechanical properties of the ribosomal L1 stalk three-way junction.

(Left) Schematic illustration of the flexible core, flexible helix model. The coordinates ϕ12 () are decomposed into the contribution from the flexible junction coreJ1J2) and from the flexible helix (ϕH1H2): ϕ1 = ϕJ1 + ϕH1, ϕ2 = ϕJ2 + ϕH2. (Panels) Fitting of the isotropic flexible core, flexible helix model. The contour length is the distance along H76 from its base pair closest to the core to the middle of the segment chosen in H76. The bending angle variation is defined by . The model predicts a linear relation between the contour length and the bending angle variation []. The simulated data (blue crosses) satisfy the linear relation very well. The model stiffness parameters are inferred from the fitted linear functions (red lines). The intersection of the line with the y-axis determines the stiffness of the junction core aJ, the line slope determines the stiffness of the helix expressed by persistence length Lp [ and ]. The stiffness parameters inferred from the data are shown. The complete list of the inferred parameters is in , analogous plots for the remaining systems are in Supplementary Figure S3.

Kamila Réblová, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jul;40(13):6290-6303.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Flexible optitrode for localized light delivery and electrical recording.

(Color online) (a) Flexible optitrode; inset shows the cross-sectional view: tetrode (T), inner cladding (IC), core (C), and outer cladding (OC); (b) optitrode snaked through a tetrode micro-drive for studying free-moving rats.

S.-T. Lin, et al. Opt Lett. ;37(11):1781-1783.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Organization of VACV core prepared in vitro by cryo-ET.. From: The palisade layer of the poxvirus core is composed of flexible A10 trimers.

a, Cartoon representation of the in vitro VACV core based on visual analysis of tomograms, depicting a slice through the center of the core (top) and details of the three layers from the side and top view (bottom). The red structures, displayed as circles in the top view, represent the ring-like structures. b, Digital slices of a representative tomogram with side (left) and top (right) views of the in vitro core. The top view reveals a palisade made of tube-like structures, the stakes, that have an irregular arrangement. The side view of the core reveals three layers, that is, the palisade, the core wall and the innermost layer, and sparse densities in the inner part of the core. Insets indicate the rough positions of the respective tomogram slices with respect to the core. c–f, Details of the three different layers surrounding the inner part of the core from the side (S) and the top (T) views. c, Detail of the organization from the side view (left) and its corresponding annotation (right). The dark blobs depict the strong density occasionally observed on top of the palisade stakes. d, Detail of the palisade layer at the surface of the core from the top view (top) and its corresponding annotation (bottom): the palisade stakes in blue with connections between them in violet and the ring-like structures in red. e, Detail of the core wall layer from the top view (top) and its corresponding annotation showing the stripe-like pattern in orange (bottom). f, Detail of the innermost layer of the core wall from the top view (top) and its corresponding annotation in green (bottom). Scale bars, 30 nm.

Jiasui Liu, et al. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024;31(7):1105-1113.
Figure 7.

Figure 7.Model. From: Broad compatibility between yeast UAS elements and core promoters and identification of promoter elements that determine cofactor specificity.

Mediator-Tail and SAGA sensitivity depend on a combination of UAS localization and flexible core promoter elements. TFIID sensitivity is dependent on the core promoter sequence and independent of UAS identity.

Jeremy A. Schofield, et al. Cell Rep. ;42(4):112387-112387.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Flexible Proteins at the Origin of Life.

A representative snapshot of the hydrophilic core of the ligase from Molecular Dynamics simulations. The point of view is that of the flexible termini. Protein residues in the core are colored yellow, zinc ions atoms are grey balls, and water molecules within 5 Å of zinc ions are red.

Andrew Pohorille, et al. Life (Basel). 2017 Jun;7(2):23.

FIG 8 . From: Streamlining and Core Genome Conservation among Highly Divergent Members of the SAR11 Clade.

Relative abundance and distribution of selected COG categories within SAR11 core and flexible genomes (A) or SAR11 shared non-core and unique genes (B).

Jana Grote, et al. mBio. 2012 Sep-Oct;3(5):e00252-12.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Flexible biodegradable citrate-based polymeric step-index optical fiber.

a) Schematic of a flexible core/cladding step-index optical fiber and the chemical structures of the core (POMC) and cladding (POC) materials. b) FTIR spectra of POMC and POC. c) Refractive indices and d) material attenuations of POMC and POC.

Dingying Shan, et al. Biomaterials. ;143:142-148.
Figure 10

Figure 10. From: Coarse-Grained Simulations of Release of Drugs Housed in Flexible Nanogels: New Insights into Kinetic Parameters.

-values obtained from three independent fits to Equation (7) as a function of the solute diameter for drugs housed in the core of rigid and flexible nanogels (square and circles, respectively). The predictions obtained from Equations (5) and (8) (rigid nanogel, open black squares) and Equations (6) and (8) (flexible nanogel, open red circles) are also plotted.

Manuel Quesada-Pérez, et al. Polymers (Basel). 2022 Nov;14(21):4760.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: The competing effects of core rigidity and linker flexibility in the nanoassembly of trivalent small molecule-DNA hybrids (SMDH3s)–a synergistic experimental-modeling study.

Small-molecule cores of SMDH3 comonomers with three DNA arms. Cores 1 and 2 are both pyramidal but 1 is flexible and 2 is more rigid. Cores 3 and 4 are both trigonal planar and rigid. For the remainder of this paper, we will use the notation fSMDH3, pyrSMDH3, tpSMDH3, and rSMDH3 to denote SMDHs with 3 arms based on cores 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. When there is a Tn spacer between the core and the DNA arm, the notation Tn will be inserted in between the core notations and the SMDH3 notation. For example, pyr-T3-SMDH3 indicates a three-arm SMDH based on the pyramidal core 2, with a T3 spacer between the core and each of the DNA arms. In addition, we will use the notation 9-fSMDH3 to indicate a three-arm SMDH based on the flexible core 1 and 9 bases on each of the DNA arms.

Vincent Y. Cho, et al. Nanoscale. ;9(34):12652-12663.
Figure 11

Figure 11. From: Coarse-Grained Simulations of Release of Drugs Housed in Flexible Nanogels: New Insights into Kinetic Parameters.

Fraction of drug released at 100 ns as a function of the solute size for rigid and flexible nanogels (square and circles, respectively). Drug molecules are housed in the core of the nanogel.

Manuel Quesada-Pérez, et al. Polymers (Basel). 2022 Nov;14(21):4760.

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