Achondroplasia- MedGen UID:
- 1289
- •Concept ID:
- C0001080
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Achondroplasia is the most common cause of disproportionate short stature. Affected individuals have rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, macrocephaly, and characteristic facial features with frontal bossing and midface retrusion. In infancy, hypotonia is typical, and acquisition of developmental motor milestones is often both aberrant in pattern and delayed. Intelligence and life span are usually near normal, although craniocervical junction compression increases the risk of death in infancy. Additional complications include obstructive sleep apnea, middle ear dysfunction, kyphosis, and spinal stenosis.
Acrocephalosyndactyly type I- MedGen UID:
- 7858
- •Concept ID:
- C0001193
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Apert syndrome is characterized by the presence of multisuture craniosynostosis, midface retrusion, and syndactyly of the hands with fusion of the second through fourth nails. Almost all affected individuals have coronal craniosynostosis, and a majority also have involvement of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures. The midface in Apert syndrome is underdeveloped as well as retruded; a subset of affected individuals have cleft palate. The hand in Apert syndrome always includes fusion of the middle three digits; the thumb and fifth finger are sometimes also involved. Feeding issues, dental abnormalities, hearing loss, hyperhidrosis, and progressive synostosis of multiple bones (skull, hands, feet, carpus, tarsus, and cervical vertebrae) are also common. Multilevel airway obstruction may be present and can be due to narrowing of the nasal passages, tongue-based airway obstruction, and/or tracheal anomalies. Nonprogressive ventriculomegaly is present in a majority of individuals, with a small subset having true hydrocephalus. Most individuals with Apert syndrome have normal intelligence or mild intellectual disability; moderate-to-severe intellectual disability has been reported in some individuals. A minority of affected individuals have structural cardiac abnormalities, true gastrointestinal malformations, and anomalies of the genitourinary tract.
Curry-Jones syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 167083
- •Concept ID:
- C0795915
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Curry-Jones syndrome (CRJS) is a multisystem disorder characterized by patchy skin lesions, polysyndactyly, diverse cerebral malformations, unicoronal craniosynostosis, iris colobomas, microphthalmia, and intestinal malrotation with myofibromas or hamartomas (summary by Twigg et al., 2016).
Pseudoaminopterin syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 163196
- •Concept ID:
- C0795939
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
The pseudoaminopterin syndrome (aminopterin syndrome sine aminopterin; ASSA) is a multiple congenital anomaly disorder characterized by ossification defects of the skull, dysmorphic facial features, delayed development, and variable limb defects. The clinical features resemble the embryopathy caused by maternal treatment with the folic acid antagonist aminopterin, which has been recognized since 1952 (Thiersch, 1952) when aminopterin was used as an abortifacient. The characteristic phenotype of the children who survived infancy after having been exposed to aminopterin or its methyl derivative, methotrexate, in early pregnancy included a very unusual facies, skull anomalies, and skeletal defects (summary by Fraser et al., 1987).
Early-onset parkinsonism-intellectual disability syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 208674
- •Concept ID:
- C0796195
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Waisman syndrome (WSMN) is an X-linked neurologic disorder characterized by delayed psychomotor development, impaired intellectual development, and early-onset Parkinson disease (summary by Wilson et al., 2014).
Megalencephaly with dysmyelination- MedGen UID:
- 344470
- •Concept ID:
- C1855309
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Megalencephaly-capillary malformation-polymicrogyria syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 355421
- •Concept ID:
- C1865285
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) encompasses a range of clinical findings in which the core features are congenital or early-childhood onset of segmental/focal overgrowth with or without cellular dysplasia. Prior to the identification of PIK3CA as the causative gene, PROS was separated into distinct clinical syndromes based on the tissues and/or organs involved (e.g., MCAP [megalencephaly-capillary malformation] syndrome and CLOVES [congenital lipomatous asymmetric overgrowth of the trunk, lymphatic, capillary, venous, and combined-type vascular malformations, epidermal nevi, skeletal and spinal anomalies] syndrome). The predominant areas of overgrowth include the brain, limbs (including fingers and toes), trunk (including abdomen and chest), and face, all usually in an asymmetric distribution. Generalized brain overgrowth may be accompanied by secondary overgrowth of specific brain structures resulting in ventriculomegaly, a markedly thick corpus callosum, and cerebellar tonsillar ectopia with crowding of the posterior fossa. Vascular malformations may include capillary, venous, and less frequently, arterial or mixed (capillary-lymphatic-venous or arteriovenous) malformations. Lymphatic malformations may be in various locations (internal and/or external) and can cause various clinical issues, including swelling, pain, and occasionally localized bleeding secondary to trauma. Lipomatous overgrowth may occur ipsilateral or contralateral to a vascular malformation, if present. The degree of intellectual disability appears to be mostly related to the presence and severity of seizures, cortical dysplasia (e.g., polymicrogyria), and hydrocephalus. Many children have feeding difficulties that are often multifactorial in nature. Endocrine issues affect a small number of individuals and most commonly include hypoglycemia (largely hypoinsulinemic hypoketotic hypoglycemia), hypothyroidism, and growth hormone deficiency.
Polyhydramnios, megalencephaly, and symptomatic epilepsy- MedGen UID:
- 370203
- •Concept ID:
- C1970203
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
A rare genetic neurological disorder with characteristics of pregnancy complicated by polyhydramnios, severe intractable epilepsy presenting in infancy, severe hypotonia, decreased muscle mass, global developmental delay, craniofacial dysmorphism (long face, large forehead, peaked eyebrows, broad nasal bridge, hypertelorism, large mouth with thick lips), and macrocephaly due to megalencephaly and hydrocephalus in most patients. Additional features that have been reported include cardiac anomalies like atrial septal defects, diabetes insipidus and nephrocalcinosis among others.
Severe achondroplasia-developmental delay-acanthosis nigricans syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 393098
- •Concept ID:
- C2674173
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
SADDAN dysplasia (severe achondroplasia with developmental delay and acanthosis nigricans) is a very rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by the constellation of these features. Radiology reveals 'ram's horn' shaped clavicles and reverse bowing of lower limbs. Approximately half of patients die before the fourth week of life secondary to respiratory failure (summary by Zankl et al., 2008).
Chromosome 4Q32.1-q32.2 triplication syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 462207
- •Concept ID:
- C3150857
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 2A- MedGen UID:
- 462705
- •Concept ID:
- C3151355
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is characterized by two phenotypes: classic MLC and improving MLC. Individuals with classic MLC present with macrocephaly, often in association with seizures, gradual onset of ataxia, spasticity, and sometimes extrapyramidal findings, mild gross motor developmental delays, and late-onset cognitive deterioration. Macrocephaly, observed in most affected individuals, may be present at birth but more frequently develops during the first year of life. The degree of macrocephaly is variable, with head circumferences reaching four to six standard deviations greater than the mean. After the first year of life, head growth trajectory typically normalizes and growth follows a line parallel to, although several standard deviations above, the 98th centile. Initial mental and motor development is normal in most individuals. Walking is often unstable, followed by ataxia of the trunk and extremities, pyramidal dysfunction, and brisk deep tendon reflexes. Early-onset seizures are common, and approximately 60% of individuals have epilepsy that is typically well controlled with anti-seizure medication, but status epilepticus occurs relatively frequently. Cognitive deterioration occurs later in the course of the disease and is usually mild in severity. Overall disease severity varies, with some individuals being able to ambulate independently for only a few years from disease onset to other individuals continuing to independently walk in the fifth decade of life. Individuals with improving MLC have a similar initial presentation with delayed cognitive or motor development, followed by an improving clinical course: macrocephaly usually persists, but some children become normocephalic; motor function improves or normalizes; hypotonia and clumsiness may persist in some or neurologic examination may become normal. Some individuals have intellectual disability that is stable, with or without autism spectrum disorder. Epilepsy is much less frequent than in classic MLC.
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 2B, remitting, with or without intellectual disability- MedGen UID:
- 462706
- •Concept ID:
- C3151356
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is characterized by two phenotypes: classic MLC and improving MLC. Individuals with classic MLC present with macrocephaly, often in association with seizures, gradual onset of ataxia, spasticity, and sometimes extrapyramidal findings, mild gross motor developmental delays, and late-onset cognitive deterioration. Macrocephaly, observed in most affected individuals, may be present at birth but more frequently develops during the first year of life. The degree of macrocephaly is variable, with head circumferences reaching four to six standard deviations greater than the mean. After the first year of life, head growth trajectory typically normalizes and growth follows a line parallel to, although several standard deviations above, the 98th centile. Initial mental and motor development is normal in most individuals. Walking is often unstable, followed by ataxia of the trunk and extremities, pyramidal dysfunction, and brisk deep tendon reflexes. Early-onset seizures are common, and approximately 60% of individuals have epilepsy that is typically well controlled with anti-seizure medication, but status epilepticus occurs relatively frequently. Cognitive deterioration occurs later in the course of the disease and is usually mild in severity. Overall disease severity varies, with some individuals being able to ambulate independently for only a few years from disease onset to other individuals continuing to independently walk in the fifth decade of life. Individuals with improving MLC have a similar initial presentation with delayed cognitive or motor development, followed by an improving clinical course: macrocephaly usually persists, but some children become normocephalic; motor function improves or normalizes; hypotonia and clumsiness may persist in some or neurologic examination may become normal. Some individuals have intellectual disability that is stable, with or without autism spectrum disorder. Epilepsy is much less frequent than in classic MLC.
Intellectual disability, autosomal recessive 34- MedGen UID:
- 482674
- •Concept ID:
- C3281044
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
MRT34 is an autosomal recessive neurologic disorder characterized by mildly to moderately impaired intellectual development and megalencephaly or enlarged head circumference. Brain imaging shows a mild variant of lissencephaly with anterior-predominant pachygyria with shallow and unusually wide sulci and mildly thickened cortex. Some patients may have seizures (summary by Di Donato et al., 2016).
Megalencephaly, autosomal dominant- MedGen UID:
- 812057
- •Concept ID:
- C3805727
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Primary megalencephaly is defined as a head circumference about the 98th percentile that most likely is due to brain enlargement and is not secondary to disease (review by Petersson et al., 1999).
Macrocephaly/megalencephaly syndrome, autosomal recessive- MedGen UID:
- 812742
- •Concept ID:
- C3806412
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Macrocephaly refers to an abnormally enlarged head inclusive of the scalp, cranial bones, and intracranial contents. Macrocephaly may be due to megalencephaly (true enlargement of the brain parenchyma), and the 2 terms are often used interchangeably in the genetic literature (reviews by Olney, 2007 and Williams et al., 2008). Autosomal recessive macrocephaly/megalencephaly syndrome is characterized by an enlarged cranium apparent at birth or in early childhood. Affected individuals have intellectual disability and may have dysmorphic facial features resulting from the macrocephaly (summary by Alfaiz et al., 2014).
Megalencephaly-polymicrogyria-polydactyly-hydrocephalus syndrome 1- MedGen UID:
- 861164
- •Concept ID:
- C4012727
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
MPPH (megalencephaly-postaxial polydactyly-polymicrogyria-hydrocephalus) syndrome is a developmental brain disorder characterized by megalencephaly (brain overgrowth) with the cortical malformation bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP). At birth the occipital frontal circumference (OFC) ranges from normal to 6 standard deviations (SD) above the mean for age, sex, and gestational age; in older individuals the range is from 3 to 10 SD above the mean. A variable degree of ventriculomegaly is seen in almost all children with MPPH syndrome; nearly 50% of individuals have frank hydrocephalus. Neurologic problems associated with BPP include oromotor dysfunction (100%), epilepsy (50%), and mild-to-severe intellectual disability (100%). Postaxial hexadactyly occurs in 50% of individuals with MPPH syndrome.
Megalencephaly-polymicrogyria-polydactyly-hydrocephalus syndrome 3- MedGen UID:
- 863179
- •Concept ID:
- C4014742
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
MPPH (megalencephaly-postaxial polydactyly-polymicrogyria-hydrocephalus) syndrome is a developmental brain disorder characterized by megalencephaly (brain overgrowth) with the cortical malformation bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP). At birth the occipital frontal circumference (OFC) ranges from normal to 6 standard deviations (SD) above the mean for age, sex, and gestational age; in older individuals the range is from 3 to 10 SD above the mean. A variable degree of ventriculomegaly is seen in almost all children with MPPH syndrome; nearly 50% of individuals have frank hydrocephalus. Neurologic problems associated with BPP include oromotor dysfunction (100%), epilepsy (50%), and mild-to-severe intellectual disability (100%). Postaxial hexadactyly occurs in 50% of individuals with MPPH syndrome.
Macrocephaly-intellectual disability-neurodevelopmental disorder-small thorax syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 899689
- •Concept ID:
- C4225259
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Smith-Kingsmore syndrome (SKS) is a rare autosomal dominant syndromic intellectual disability syndrome characterized by macrocephaly, seizures, umbilical hernia, and facial dysmorphic features including frontal bossing, midface hypoplasia, small chin, hypertelorism with downslanting palpebral fissures, depressed nasal bridge, smooth philtrum, and thin upper lip (Smith et al., 2013; Baynam et al., 2015).
Macrocephaly, dysmorphic facies, and psychomotor retardation- MedGen UID:
- 934733
- •Concept ID:
- C4310766
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Macrocephaly, dysmorphic facies, and psychomotor retardation (MDFPMR) is an autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by large head and somatic overgrowth apparent at birth followed by global developmental delay. Affected individuals have characteristic dysmorphic facial features and persistently large head, but increased birth weight normalizes with age. Additional neurologic features, including seizures, hypotonia, and gait ataxia, may also occur. Patients show severe intellectual impairment (summary by Ortega-Recalde et al., 2015).
Craniometadiaphyseal dysplasia wormian bone type- MedGen UID:
- 1382152
- •Concept ID:
- C4510809
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Craniometadiaphyseal dysplasia (CRMDD) is characterized clinically by macrocephaly with frontal prominence, dental hypoplasia, and increased bone fragility. Diagnostic radiologic features include thin bones in the superior part of calvaria with prominent wormian bones, diaphyseal widening of the long tubular bones in early childhood with wide undermineralized metaphyses in older individuals, widened ribs and clavicles, and broadening of short tubular bones with increased transparency and thin cortices (summary by Dhar et al., 2010).
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1- MedGen UID:
- 1826136
- •Concept ID:
- C5779875
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is characterized by two phenotypes: classic MLC and improving MLC. Individuals with classic MLC present with macrocephaly, often in association with seizures, gradual onset of ataxia, spasticity, and sometimes extrapyramidal findings, mild gross motor developmental delays, and late-onset cognitive deterioration. Macrocephaly, observed in most affected individuals, may be present at birth but more frequently develops during the first year of life. The degree of macrocephaly is variable, with head circumferences reaching four to six standard deviations greater than the mean. After the first year of life, head growth trajectory typically normalizes and growth follows a line parallel to, although several standard deviations above, the 98th centile. Initial mental and motor development is normal in most individuals. Walking is often unstable, followed by ataxia of the trunk and extremities, pyramidal dysfunction, and brisk deep tendon reflexes. Early-onset seizures are common, and approximately 60% of individuals have epilepsy that is typically well controlled with anti-seizure medication, but status epilepticus occurs relatively frequently. Cognitive deterioration occurs later in the course of the disease and is usually mild in severity. Overall disease severity varies, with some individuals being able to ambulate independently for only a few years from disease onset to other individuals continuing to independently walk in the fifth decade of life. Individuals with improving MLC have a similar initial presentation with delayed cognitive or motor development, followed by an improving clinical course: macrocephaly usually persists, but some children become normocephalic; motor function improves or normalizes; hypotonia and clumsiness may persist in some or neurologic examination may become normal. Some individuals have intellectual disability that is stable, with or without autism spectrum disorder. Epilepsy is much less frequent than in classic MLC.
Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter 5- MedGen UID:
- 1830483
- •Concept ID:
- C5779973
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Childhood ataxia with central nervous system hypomyelination / vanishing white matter (CACH/VWM) is characterized by ataxia, spasticity, and variable optic atrophy. The phenotypic range includes a prenatal/congenital form, a subacute infantile form (onset age <1 year), an early childhood-onset form (onset age 1 to <4 years), a late childhood-/juvenile-onset form (onset age 4 to <18 years), and an adult-onset form (onset =18 years). The prenatal/congenital form is characterized by severe encephalopathy. In the later-onset forms initial motor and intellectual development is normal or mildly delayed, followed by neurologic deterioration with a chronic progressive or subacute course. While in childhood-onset forms motor deterioration dominates, in adult-onset forms cognitive decline and personality changes dominate. Chronic progressive decline can be exacerbated by rapid deterioration during febrile illnesses or following head trauma or major surgical procedures, or by acute and extreme fright.
Megalencephaly-polydactyly syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 1855924
- •Concept ID:
- C5935591
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Megalencephaly-polydactyly syndrome (MPAPA) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by megalencephaly, ventriculomegaly, postaxial polydactyly, and, notably, neuroblastoma during infancy (summary by Nishio et al., 2023).