From HPO
Enuresis- MedGen UID:
- 8649
- •Concept ID:
- C0014394
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Lack of the ability to control the urinary bladder leading to involuntary urination at an age where control of the bladder should already be possible.
Hypocalciuria- MedGen UID:
- 9381
- •Concept ID:
- C0020599
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An abnormally decreased calcium concentration in the urine.
Polyuria- MedGen UID:
- 19404
- •Concept ID:
- C0032617
- •
- Sign or Symptom
An increased rate of urine production.
Renal salt wasting- MedGen UID:
- 375868
- •Concept ID:
- C1846347
- •
- Finding
A high concentration of one or more electrolytes in the urine in the presence of low serum concentrations of the electrolyte(s).
Renal potassium wasting- MedGen UID:
- 339499
- •Concept ID:
- C1846348
- •
- Finding
High urine potassium in the presence of hypokalemia.
Renal sodium wasting- MedGen UID:
- 440580
- •Concept ID:
- C2748576
- •
- Finding
An abnormally increased sodium concentration in the urine in the presence of hyponatremia.
Hypertensive disorder- MedGen UID:
- 6969
- •Concept ID:
- C0020538
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
The presence of chronic increased pressure in the systemic arterial system.
Short stature- MedGen UID:
- 87607
- •Concept ID:
- C0349588
- •
- Finding
A height below that which is expected according to age and gender norms. Although there is no universally accepted definition of short stature, many refer to "short stature" as height more than 2 standard deviations below the mean for age and gender (or below the 3rd percentile for age and gender dependent norms).
Sensorineural hearing impairment- MedGen UID:
- 9164
- •Concept ID:
- C0018784
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
A type of hearing impairment in one or both ears related to an abnormal functionality of the cochlear nerve.
Cerebellar ataxia- MedGen UID:
- 849
- •Concept ID:
- C0007758
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Cerebellar ataxia refers to ataxia due to dysfunction of the cerebellum. This causes a variety of elementary neurological deficits including asynergy (lack of coordination between muscles, limbs and joints), dysmetria (lack of ability to judge distances that can lead to under- or overshoot in grasping movements), and dysdiadochokinesia (inability to perform rapid movements requiring antagonizing muscle groups to be switched on and off repeatedly).
Seizure- MedGen UID:
- 20693
- •Concept ID:
- C0036572
- •
- Sign or Symptom
A seizure is an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterized by a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.
Polydipsia- MedGen UID:
- 43214
- •Concept ID:
- C0085602
- •
- Sign or Symptom
Excessive thirst manifested by excessive fluid intake.
Dysdiadochokinesis- MedGen UID:
- 115975
- •Concept ID:
- C0234979
- •
- Sign or Symptom
A type of ataxia characterized by the impairment of the ability to perform rapidly alternating movements, such as pronating and supinating his or her hand on the dorsum of the other hand as rapidly as possible.
Salt craving- MedGen UID:
- 116112
- •Concept ID:
- C0240928
- •
- Finding
Hypersalivation, also known as salt craving, refers to an excessive desire to consume salt (sodium chloride) or salty foods.
Delayed speech and language development- MedGen UID:
- 105318
- •Concept ID:
- C0454644
- •
- Finding
A degree of language development that is significantly below the norm for a child of a specified age.
Global developmental delay- MedGen UID:
- 107838
- •Concept ID:
- C0557874
- •
- Finding
A delay in the achievement of motor or mental milestones in the domains of development of a child, including motor skills, speech and language, cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills. This term should only be used to describe children younger than five years of age.
Cerebellar atrophy- MedGen UID:
- 196624
- •Concept ID:
- C0740279
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Cerebellar atrophy is defined as a cerebellum with initially normal structures, in a posterior fossa with normal size, which displays enlarged fissures (interfolial spaces) in comparison to the foliae secondary to loss of tissue. Cerebellar atrophy implies irreversible loss of tissue and result from an ongoing progressive disease until a final stage is reached or a single injury, e.g. an intoxication or infectious event.
Intellectual disability- MedGen UID:
- 811461
- •Concept ID:
- C3714756
- •
- Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Intellectual disability, previously referred to as mental retardation, is characterized by subnormal intellectual functioning that occurs during the developmental period. It is defined by an IQ score below 70.
Chronic axonal neuropathy- MedGen UID:
- 867220
- •Concept ID:
- C4021578
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An abnormality characterized by chronic impairment of the normal functioning of the axons.
Peripheral hypomyelination- MedGen UID:
- 870480
- •Concept ID:
- C4024927
- •
- Finding
Reduced amount of myelin in the nervous system resulting from defective myelinogenesis in the peripheral nervous system.
Intention tremor- MedGen UID:
- 1642960
- •Concept ID:
- C4551520
- •
- Sign or Symptom
A type of kinetic tremor that occurs during target directed movement is called intention tremor. That is, an oscillatory cerebellar ataxia that tends to be absent when the limbs are inactive and during the first part of voluntary movement but worsening as the movement continues and greater precision is required (e.g., in touching a target such as the patient's nose or a physician's finger).
Hypotonia- MedGen UID:
- 10133
- •Concept ID:
- C0026827
- •
- Finding
Hypotonia is an abnormally low muscle tone (the amount of tension or resistance to movement in a muscle). Even when relaxed, muscles have a continuous and passive partial contraction which provides some resistance to passive stretching. Hypotonia thus manifests as diminished resistance to passive stretching. Hypotonia is not the same as muscle weakness, although the two conditions can co-exist.
Generalized hypotonia- MedGen UID:
- 346841
- •Concept ID:
- C1858120
- •
- Finding
Generalized muscular hypotonia (abnormally low muscle tone).
Hypokalemia- MedGen UID:
- 5712
- •Concept ID:
- C0020621
- •
- Finding
An abnormally decreased potassium concentration in the blood.
Hypomagnesemia- MedGen UID:
- 57481
- •Concept ID:
- C0151723
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An abnormally decreased magnesium concentration in the blood.
Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis- MedGen UID:
- 152852
- •Concept ID:
- C0740898
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Elevated serum bicarbonate concentration- MedGen UID:
- 1671049
- •Concept ID:
- C4732834
- •
- Finding
An abnormal increase in the concentration of bicarbonate, HCO3[-], in the circulation.
Increased circulating aldosterone concentration- MedGen UID:
- 6960
- •Concept ID:
- C0020428
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Overproduction of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone by the adrenal cortex.
Increased circulating renin concentration- MedGen UID:
- 66818
- •Concept ID:
- C0240783
- •
- Finding
An increased level of renin in the blood.
- Abnormality of metabolism/homeostasis
- Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Abnormality of the ear
- Abnormality of the endocrine system
- Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Abnormality of the nervous system
- Growth abnormality