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Autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson disease 6(PARK6)

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Synonyms: PARK6; PARKINSON DISEASE 6, EARLY-ONSET; PARKINSON DISEASE 6, MODIFIER OF; PINK1 Type of Young-Onset Parkinson Disease; PINK1-Related Parkinson Disease
Gene (location): PINK1 (1p36.12)
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0011613
OMIM®: 605909


PINK1 type of young-onset Parkinson disease is characterized by early onset (median age at onset 32 years) of tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity that are often indistinguishable from other causes of Parkinson disease. Lower-limb dystonia may be a presenting sign. Postural instability, hyperreflexia, abnormal behavior, and psychiatric manifestations have been described. The disease is usually slowly progressive. Individuals have a marked and sustained response to oral administration of levodopa (L-dopa), frequently associated with L-dopa-induced fluctuations and dyskinesias. [from GeneReviews]

Additional description

From MedlinePlus Genetics
Parkinson's disease can also affect emotions and thinking ability (cognition). Some affected individuals develop psychiatric conditions such as depression and visual hallucinations. People with Parkinson's disease also have an increased risk of developing dementia, which is a decline in intellectual functions including judgment and memory.

Often the first symptom of Parkinson's disease is trembling or shaking (tremor) of a limb, especially when the body is at rest. Typically, the tremor begins on one side of the body, usually in one hand. Tremors can also affect the arms, legs, feet, and face. Other characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's disease include rigidity or stiffness of the limbs and torso, slow movement (bradykinesia) or an inability to move (akinesia), and impaired balance and coordination (postural instability). These symptoms worsen slowly over time.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system. The disorder affects several regions of the brain, especially an area called the substantia nigra that controls balance and movement.

Generally, Parkinson's disease that begins after age 50 is called late-onset disease. The condition is described as early-onset disease if signs and symptoms begin before age 50. Early-onset cases that begin before age 20 are sometimes referred to as juvenile-onset Parkinson's disease.  https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/parkinsons-disease

Clinical features

From HPO
Urinary urgency
MedGen UID:
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Urge incontinence is the strong, sudden need to urinate.
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Intense feelings of nervousness, tension, or panic often arise in response to interpersonal stresses. There is worry about the negative effects of past unpleasant experiences and future negative possibilities. Individuals may feel fearful, apprehensive, or threatened by uncertainty, and they may also have fears of falling apart or losing control.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Frequently experiencing feelings of being down, miserable, and/or hopeless; struggling to recover from these moods; having a pessimistic outlook on the future; feeling a pervasive sense of shame; having a low self-worth; experiencing thoughts of suicide and engaging in suicidal behavior.
Dystonic disorder
MedGen UID:
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Sign or Symptom
An abnormally increased muscular tone that causes fixed abnormal postures. There is a slow, intermittent twisting motion that leads to exaggerated turning and posture of the extremities and trunk.
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Hyperreflexia is the presence of hyperactive stretch reflexes of the muscles.
MedGen UID:
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Sign or Symptom
Bradykinesia literally means slow movement, and is used clinically to denote a slowness in the execution of movement (in contrast to hypokinesia, which is used to refer to slowness in the initiation of movement).
Resting tremor
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A resting tremor occurs when muscles are at rest and becomes less noticeable or disappears when the affected muscles are moved. Resting tremors are often slow and coarse.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Characteristic neurologic anomaly resulting from degeneration of dopamine-generating cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain, characterized clinically by shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking and gait.
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Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
A loss of global cognitive ability of sufficient amount to interfere with normal social or occupational function. Dementia represents a loss of previously present cognitive abilities, generally in adults, and can affect memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior.
Postural instability
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A tendency to fall or the inability to keep oneself from falling; imbalance. The retropulsion test is widely regarded as the gold standard to evaluate postural instability, Use of the retropulsion test includes a rapid balance perturbation in the backward direction, and the number of balance correcting steps (or total absence thereof) is used to rate the degree of postural instability. Healthy subjects correct such perturbations with either one or two large steps, or without taking any steps, hinging rapidly at the hips while swinging the arms forward as a counterweight. In patients with balance impairment, balance correcting steps are often too small, forcing patients to take more than two steps. Taking three or more steps is generally considered to be abnormal, and taking more than five steps is regarded as being clearly abnormal. Markedly affected patients continue to step backward without ever regaining their balance and must be caught by the examiner (this would be called true retropulsion). Even more severely affected patients fail to correct entirely, and fall backward like a pushed toy soldier, without taking any corrective steps.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Continuous involuntary sustained muscle contraction. When an affected muscle is passively stretched, the degree of resistance remains constant regardless of the rate at which the muscle is stretched. This feature helps to distinguish rigidity from muscle spasticity.

Recent clinical studies


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J Neural Transm Suppl 2000;(60):101-16. doi: 10.1007/978-3-7091-6301-6_6. PMID: 11205133
Hattori N, Shimura H, Kubo S, Kitada T, Wang M, Asakawa S, Minashima S, Shimizu N, Suzuki T, Tanaka K, Mizuno Y
Neuropathology 2000 Sep;20 Suppl:S85-90. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-1789.2000.00312.x. PMID: 11037196
Lücking CB, Dürr A, Bonifati V, Vaughan J, De Michele G, Gasser T, Harhangi BS, Meco G, Denèfle P, Wood NW, Agid Y, Brice A; French Parkinson's Disease Genetics Study Group; European Consortium on Genetic Susceptibility in Parkinson's Disease
N Engl J Med 2000 May 25;342(21):1560-7. doi: 10.1056/NEJM200005253422103. PMID: 10824074


Bakhit Y, Tesson C, Ibrahim MO, Eltom K, Eltazi I, Elsayed LEO, Lesage S, Seidi O, Corvol JC, Wüllner U; Sudanese Parkinson's Disease Study Group
Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2023 Jun;10(6):983-989. Epub 2023 May 3 doi: 10.1002/acn3.51781. PMID: 37139542Free PMC Article
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Lücking CB, Dürr A, Bonifati V, Vaughan J, De Michele G, Gasser T, Harhangi BS, Meco G, Denèfle P, Wood NW, Agid Y, Brice A; French Parkinson's Disease Genetics Study Group; European Consortium on Genetic Susceptibility in Parkinson's Disease
N Engl J Med 2000 May 25;342(21):1560-7. doi: 10.1056/NEJM200005253422103. PMID: 10824074


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Clinical prediction guides

Wei J, Takamatsu Y, Wada R, Fujita M, Ho G, Masliah E, Hashimoto M
Biomolecules 2021 Feb 15;11(2) doi: 10.3390/biom11020289. PMID: 33672048Free PMC Article
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Hattori N, Shimura H, Kubo S, Kitada T, Wang M, Asakawa S, Minashima S, Shimizu N, Suzuki T, Tanaka K, Mizuno Y
Neuropathology 2000 Sep;20 Suppl:S85-90. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-1789.2000.00312.x. PMID: 11037196

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