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GTR Home > Tests > Genomind Professional PGx Express™


Test name


Genomind Professional PGx Express™ (GenPro PGx)

Purpose of the test


This is a clinical test intended for Help: Drug Response, Therapeutic management



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Click Indication tab for more information.

How to order


Treating clinicians with prescribing rights may order the test directly from www.genomind.com, by phone at 1-877-895-8658, or by emailing customerservice@genomind.com.
Order URL Help: https://genomind.com/how-do-i-get-the-test/

Specimen source

Buccal swab


Molecular Genetics
DDeletion/duplication analysis
  • Other
TTargeted variant analysis
SNP Detection
  • QuantStudio 12KFLEX Real Time Instrument
  • Other

Summary of what is tested

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Click Methodology tab for more information.

Clinical utility


Guidance for management

  • Brennan FX, Gardner KR, Lombard J, Perlis RH, et al. A Naturalistic Study of the Effectiveness of Pharmacogenetic Testing to Guide Treatment in Psychiatric Patients With Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2015; 17 (2). Gardner KR, Brennan FX, Scott R & Lombard J.The potential utility of pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry. Psychiatry J. 2014;2014:730956. Fagerness J, Fonseca E, Hess GP, Scott R, Gardner KR, et al. Pharmacogenetic-guided psychiatric intervention associated with increased adherence and cost savings. Am J Manag Care. 2014 May;20(5):e146-56.
  • https://www.personalizedmedpsych.com/article/S2468-1717(17)30027-3/fulltext

Lifestyle planning

Guidance for selecting a drug therapy and/or dose


Healthcare Cost Savings

Clinical validity


In the field of pharmacogenetics, one aspect of clinical validity is the strength of the association between the genetic variant and the drug outcome in question. The following citations are key studies assessing drug-gene pair associations.

Testing strategy


Testing of all 24 genes on the panel is done simultaneously. If one gene fails to produce results additional testing is performed where applicable and provider is notified if this will delay the turn-around time of the test. If additional testing cannot be performed due to poor sample quality or insufficient quantity, a sample recollect will be requested. 000 Treating clinicians with prescribing rights may order the test directly from www.genomind.com, by phone at 1-877-895-8658, or by emailing customerservice@genomind.com.

Test services

  • Clinical Testing/Confirmation of Mutations Identified Previously, comments
  • Custom Deletion/Duplication Testing
  • Result interpretation

IMPORTANT NOTE: NIH does not independently verify information submitted to the GTR; it relies on submitters to provide information that is accurate and not misleading. NIH makes no endorsements of tests or laboratories listed in the GTR. GTR is not a substitute for medical advice. Patients and consumers with specific questions about a genetic test should contact a health care provider or a genetics professional.