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TBKBP1 TBK1 binding protein 1

Gene ID: 9755, updated on 17-Jun-2024
Gene type: protein coding
Also known as: SINTBAD; ProSAPiP2


TBKBP1 is an adaptor protein that binds to TBK1 (MIM 604834) and is part of the interaction network in the TNF (MIM 191160)/NFKB (see MIM 164011) pathway (Bouwmeester et al., 2004 [PubMed 14743216]).[supplied by OMIM, Mar 2008]

Associated conditions

See all available tests in GTR for this gene

Genetic Loci Associated with Circulating Levels of Very Long-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids.
GeneReviews: Not available
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci.
GeneReviews: Not available
Interaction between ERAP1 and HLA-B27 in ankylosing spondylitis implicates peptide handling in the mechanism for HLA-B27 in disease susceptibility.
GeneReviews: Not available

Genomic context

Chromosome: 17; NC_000017.11 (47694063..47712063)
Total number of exons:


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