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DIRAS2 DIRAS family GTPase 2

Gene ID: 54769, updated on 17-Jun-2024
Gene type: protein coding
Also known as: Di-Ras2


DIRAS2 belongs to a distinct branch of the functionally diverse Ras (see HRAS; MIM 190020) superfamily of monomeric GTPases.[supplied by OMIM, Apr 2004]

Associated conditions

See all available tests in GTR for this gene

A genome-wide association study identifies protein quantitative trait loci (pQTLs).
GeneReviews: Not available
Genetic correlates of brain aging on MRI and cognitive test measures: a genome-wide association and linkage analysis in the Framingham Study.
GeneReviews: Not available

Genomic context

Chromosome: 9; NC_000009.12 (90609832..90642824, complement)
Total number of exons:


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