Tests names and labs | Conditions | Genes, analytes, and microbes | Methods |
Invitae Treatable Neurometabolic Disorders Panel Labcorp Genetics (formerly Invitae) LabCorp United States | 257 | 191 |
Invitae Metabolic Newborn Screening Confirmation Panel Labcorp Genetics (formerly Invitae) LabCorp United States | 201 | 158 |
Labcorp Genetics (formerly Invitae) LabCorp United States | 466 | 297 |
Familial Hemiplegic Migraine and Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Panel PreventionGenetics, part of Exact Sciences United States | 13 | 8 |
Invitae Dystonia Comprehensive Panel Labcorp Genetics (formerly Invitae) LabCorp United States | 61 | 38 |
GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome via the SLC2A1 Gene PreventionGenetics, part of Exact Sciences United States | 4 | 1 |
Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy Panel PreventionGenetics, part of Exact Sciences United States | 144 | 124 |
SLC2A1 Sequence Analysis (Prenatal Diagnosis) Baylor Genetics United States | 2 | 1 |
SLC2A1 Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis) Baylor Genetics United States | 2 | 1 |
Baylor Genetics United States | 2 | 1 |
NGS Neurodegenerative disorders Multi-Gene Panel (73 genes) Amsterdam UMC Genome Diagnostics Amsterdam University Medical Center Netherlands | 41 | 60 |
Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy Panel Genetic Services Laboratory University of Chicago United States | 47 | 125 |
Inherited Metabolic Disorders Panel Dhiti Omics Technologies Private Ltd India | 376 | 317 |
Generalized idiopathic and focal epilepsy panel. 34-gene NGS panel. Genologica Medica Spain | 74 | 34 |
Metabolic epilepsy panel. 41-gene NGS panel. Genologica Medica Spain | 53 | 41 |
Hereditary ataxias. NGS panel of 139 genes. Genologica Medica Spain | 220 | 139 |
Ataxia panel. NGS panel of 157 genes. Genologica Medica Spain | 247 | 156 |
Epileptic encephalopathy panel. 128-gene NGS panel. Genologica Medica Spain | 197 | 128 |
Migraine panel. NGS panel of 10 genes. Genologica Medica Spain | 30 | 10 |
Complete epilepsy panel. NGS panel of 283 genes. Genologica Medica Spain | 409 | 283 |
IMPORTANT NOTE: NIH does not independently verify information submitted to the GTR; it relies on submitters to provide information that is accurate and not misleading. NIH makes no endorsements of tests or laboratories listed in the GTR. GTR is not a substitute for medical advice. Patients and consumers with specific questions about a genetic test should contact a health care provider or a genetics professional.