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Sample GSM987509 Query DataSets for GSM987509
Status Public on Aug 24, 2012
Title MULTIORGAN G 2 Heart GluMspI
Sample type genomic
Source name Heart
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics age (y): 8 weeks
Sex: M
post-mortem interval: NA
tissue: Heart
enzymatic digestion: 200 ng of glucosylated sheared DNA were subjected to 10 U of MspI digestion in a final volume of 20 µl for 12 h at 37ºC (50 fold surplus of the enzyme over the DNA substrate), followed by enzyme inactivation at 80ºC for 10 min.
Treatment protocol No treatment for human and mouse tissues. Only one human cell line underwent SAHA treatment protocol; stated in the sample description.
Growth protocol Human and mouse untreated tissues were analyzed in this study
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted applying standard phenol chloroform and isopropanol precipitation method. Genomic DNA was then sheared to 200bp fragment length on Covaris S2 sonifier (Covaris, USA); blunt ended and ligated to adaptors before subjecting for glucosylation and restriction enzyme digestion. Glucosylation reaction was performed in presence of 200 µM uridine-5’-diphospho-α -D-glucose (UDP-Glc, Sigma) and 80ng BGT (Lariviere, Kurzeck et al. 2002) in 100mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 25mM MgCl2 for 3 h at 37ºC.
Label biotin
Label protocol 9 ug of PCR amplified DNA products were enzymatically fragmented and labeled using the WT Labeling Kit (Affymetrix) to add biotinylated compound to the ends of the fragments
Hybridization protocol Approximately 9 μg of DNA was hybridzed per array using the Affymetrix hybridization kit. All array sets were hybridized for 16 hours at 45° at 60rpm using an Affymetrix hybridization oven.
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned on an Affymetrix Gene Chip Scanner 3000 7G
Description Organs were harvested from adult male mice.
Data processing We distinguished between three types of probes on the tiling microarray: “target probes”, which contain the restriction site CCGG, “flanking probes”, which do not contain the recognition sequence but could lie up to 200 bp upstream or downstream of a target probe (sheared DNA fragments were of average 200 bp), and “non-target probes” that neither contain a target sequence nor are within 200 bp (on either side) of the target sequence. After comparing different array preprocessing algorithms, we chose to use a sequence-based algorithm after Potter et al (Supplementary Note). The model (Supplementary Note, equation 1) was applied to non-target probes matched proportionally to target probes by GC content. Normalized intensities were obtained by subtracting the fitted value from raw probe intensities, resulting in a normal distribution of probe-level intensities. Each chip was independently normalized. All downstream analyses were carried out at the single-probe level (i.e. without windowing or peak-calling) and solely on target probes. These samples contain probes overlapping repeats. They also contain probes that had a CCGG in the probe sequence but not in the UCSC genome sequence for the corresponding coordinates. Such probes will need to be excluded before replicating the exon-intron analysis.
We distinguished between three types of probes on the tiling microarray: “target probes”, which contain the restriction site CCGG, “flanking probes”, which do not contain the recognition sequence but could lie up to 200 bp upstream or downstream of a target probe (sheared DNA fragments were of average 200 bp), and “non-target probes” that neither contain a target sequence nor are within 200 bp (on either side) of the target sequence. After comparing different array preprocessing algorithms, we chose to use a sequence-based algorithm after Potter et al (Supplementary Note). The model (Supplementary Note, equation 1) was applied to non-target probes matched proportionally to target probes by GC content. Normalized intensities were obtained by subtracting the fitted value from raw probe intensities, resulting in a normal distribution of probe-level intensities. Each chip was independently normalized. All downstream analyses were carried out at the single-probe level (i.e. without windowing or peak-calling) and solely on target probes. Probes overlapping repeats were excluded. Probes were required to have a ‘CCGG’ in both the Affymetrix probe sequence and the chromosomal sequence downloaded from UCSC; probes that did not meet this criterion were excluded.
EXP2_Human_BrainLiver_sample_metadata.xls, HumanBrain_sample_metadata.xls
BED files of normalized intensities for target probes. Unless otherwise specified, probes overlapping repeats are excluded. Unless otherwise specified, target probes that did not contain a CCGG in the UCSC genome sequence were also excluded.
Submission date Aug 16, 2012
Last update date Aug 24, 2012
Contact name Shraddha Pai
Organization name University of Toronto
Street address 160 College Street, Room 602
City Toronto
State/province ON
ZIP/Postal code M5S 3E1
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL6450
Series (2)
GSE40166 5-hmC in the brain: abundance in synaptic genes and differences at the exon-intron boundary (tiling array)
GSE40167 5-hmC in the brain: abundance in synaptic genes and differences at the exon-intron boundary

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM987509_MULTIORGAN_G_2_Heart_GLYMspI_A12_Mm35b_P07R_v02_.CEL.gz 24.4 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM987509_MULTIORGAN_G_2_Heart_GluMspI.bed.gz 726.2 Kb (ftp)(http) BED
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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