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Sample GSM973592 Query DataSets for GSM973592
Status Public on Jul 26, 2012
Title HC mRNA subject-10
Sample type RNA
Source name CD14+CD16- monocytes
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: CD14+CD16- monocytes
age: 70 years
Sex: Female
disease state: Healthy control
ethnicity: Non-hispanic
onset site: N/A
fvc: N/A
alsfrs: N/A
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Blood monocytes were sorted and total RNA was extracted using mirVana RNA isolation kit (Ambion) according to the manufacturer’s protocol
Label NA
Label protocol 100 ng of total RNA was used in 5 µl with specific mRNA tag probes from Nanostring using the Nanostring GX Human Immunology and Nanostring Human Inflammation assays
Hybridization protocol Hybrdization reactions were performed according to the manufacturer's instructions ( with 5 µl of the sample preparation reaction. All hybridization reactions were incubated at 65°C for a minimum of 18 h
Scan protocol Hybridized probes were purified and counted on the nCounter Prep Station and Digital Analyzer (NanoString) following the manufacturer’s instructions. For each assay, a high-density scan (600 fields of view) was performed
Description Nanostring GX Human Immunology and Nanostring Human Inflammation assays detected RNAs in sorted CD14+/CD16- blood-derived monocytes (RNA transcriptom per 100 ng total RNA)
Data processing The data were normalized for lane-to-lane variation with a dilution series of six spike-in positive controls using vsn normalization
Submission date Jul 25, 2012
Last update date Jul 26, 2012
Contact name Oleg Butovsky
Phone 1-617-525-5313
Organization name Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Department Center of Neurologic Diseases
Lab Dr. Oleg Butovsky
Street address 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Office 614
City Boston
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02115
Country USA
Platform ID GPL15846
Series (2)
GSE39642 NanoString nCounter immune-related gene expression in blood sorted CD14+CD16- monocytes from sALS, fALS and HC subjects
GSE39644 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE vsn normalized RNA transcriptoms per 100ng of total RNA

Data table
ABL1 149
ADA 57
AHR 2600
ATG16L1 250
ATM 47
B2M 101533
BCAP31 1041
BCL2 150
BCL3 1445
BCL6 3080
BID 123
BST1 2606
BST2 2908
BTK 1364
C1QBP 517
C1R 43
C2 52
C4A 70

Total number of rows: 372

Table truncated, full table size 3 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM973592_20111022_hc_vs_sALS_vs_fALS-2_hc_vs_sALS_vs_fALS-2_04.txt.gz 5.9 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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