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Sample GSM922410 Query DataSets for GSM922410
Status Public on Apr 28, 2012
Title Maudsley Hospital Twin Registry monozygotic twin41a depression white blood cells81
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name white blood cells, depression
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: white blood cells
disease status: depression
individual: Maudsley Hospital Twin Registry monozygotic twin41a
twin pair: twin41
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol The samples were first digested using proteinase K (20mg/ml) and lysis buffer mixture at 55°C overnight. A mixture of phenol, chloroform, and iso-amyl alcohol (in ratios of 25:24:1) was used to remove the proteins, followed by two times chloroform wash, precipitation of DNA using cold isopropanol, and a final wash using 70% ethanol. After the extraction, the DNA samples were suspended in 0.1M Tris-EDTA buffer and were kept in -80°C for storage prior to use. The purity and the concentrations of DNA were checked using a UV spectrophotometer (Nanodrop ND1000).
Label Cy5
Label protocol 1 μg of purified enriched PCR products were fluorescently labelled with Cy3 (Roche) for the reference and with Cy5 (Roche) for the sample, as previously described (Schumacher, A., et al. (2006). Microarray-based DNA methylation profiling: technology and applications. Nucleic acids research 34, 528-542.) .
Channel 2
Source name white blood cells, common reference pool
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: white blood cells
sample type: common reference pool
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol The samples were first digested using proteinase K (20mg/ml) and lysis buffer mixture at 55°C overnight. A mixture of phenol, chloroform, and iso-amyl alcohol (in ratios of 25:24:1) was used to remove the proteins, followed by two times chloroform wash, precipitation of DNA using cold isopropanol, and a final wash using 70% ethanol. After the extraction, the DNA samples were suspended in 0.1M Tris-EDTA buffer and were kept in -80°C for storage prior to use. The purity and the concentrations of DNA were checked using a UV spectrophotometer (Nanodrop ND1000).
Label Cy3
Label protocol 1 μg of purified enriched PCR products were fluorescently labelled with Cy3 (Roche) for the reference and with Cy5 (Roche) for the sample, as previously described (Schumacher, A., et al. (2006). Microarray-based DNA methylation profiling: technology and applications. Nucleic acids research 34, 528-542.) .
Hybridization protocol The enriched PCR products were hybridized overnight at 48°C onto the 8.1k human CpG island microarray (Microarray Facility, University Health Network, Toronto) as previously described (Schumacher, A., et al. (2006). Microarray-based DNA methylation profiling: technology and applications. Nucleic acids research 34, 528-542.) .
Scan protocol The arrays were scanned using the Genepix 4000B scanner and Genepix Pro 6.0 (Axon Instruments). The automated photomultiplier (PMT) function of the scanner was used to optimize signal intensity and channel balances.
Description Maudsley Hospital Twin Registry monozygotic twin41a vs. common reference pool
Data processing Linear Models for Microarray Data (LIMMA) package (Bioconductor) for R was used for background correction, normalization, and to extract the signal intensities. Briefly, normexp was used for background correction, print-tip loess was used for within-array normalization, and Gquantile was used for between-array normalization.
Submission date Apr 25, 2012
Last update date Apr 28, 2012
Contact name Art Petronis
Organization name Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Department Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute
Lab Krembil Family Epigenetics Laboratory
Street address 250 College St
City Toronto
State/province Ontario
ZIP/Postal code M5T1R8
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL10342
Series (1)
GSE37579 DNA modification study of major depressive disorder: beyond locus-by-locus comparisons.

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized M values where M=log2(Cy5/Cy3)

Data table
UHNhscpg0000001 0.247171327
UHNhscpg0000004 -0.127060316
UHNhscpg0000005 0.289172818
UHNhscpg0000006 0.312627661
UHNhscpg0000007 0.583548409
UHNhscpg0000008 -0.265096162
UHNhscpg0000009 -0.449886303
UHNhscpg0000011 -0.132760955
UHNhscpg0000012 -0.306494693
UHNhscpg0000013 0.474854583
UHNhscpg0000017 0.099193436
UHNhscpg0000018 0.250387525
UHNhscpg0000020 0.28632447
UHNhscpg0000021 -0.092956092
UHNhscpg0000022 0.132716819
UHNhscpg0000025 -0.113137062
UHNhscpg0000026 0.252999396
UHNhscpg0000029 -0.269453731
UHNhscpg0000030 0.396281994
UHNhscpg0000033 -0.087609754

Total number of rows: 8448

Table truncated, full table size 234 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM922410_EU001.gpr.gz 784.3 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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