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Sample GSM879069 Query DataSets for GSM879069
Status Public on Feb 22, 2012
Title maternal whole blood replicate 4
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name methylated CpG-island recovery assay (MIRA) enriched, maternal whole blood, 4 of 4 mother-baby pairs
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics sample id: NMB8
tissue: maternal whole blood
gender: Female
sample type: methylation-enriched DNA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol DNA was isolated from fresh frozen tissues using standard phenol/chloroform method.
Label cy5
Label protocol The products of whole genome amplification from the total input DNA without MBD enrichment and from methylation-enriched DNA were purified by using DNA purification kit, respectively. The purified DNA fragments were then labeled with cy3-dCTP or cy5-dCTP with Klenow enzyme (Takara) according to the instruction of the manufacturer.
Channel 2
Source name input, maternal whole blood, 4 of 4 mother-baby pairs
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics sample id: NMB8
tissue: maternal whole blood
gender: Female
sample type: total input DNA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol DNA was isolated from fresh frozen tissues using standard phenol/chloroform method.
Label cy3
Label protocol The products of whole genome amplification from the total input DNA without MBD enrichment and from methylation-enriched DNA were purified by using DNA purification kit, respectively. The purified DNA fragments were then labeled with cy3-dCTP or cy5-dCTP with Klenow enzyme (Takara) according to the instruction of the manufacturer.
Hybridization protocol According to the instructions of Agilent Oligo aCGH Hybridization Kit
Scan protocol Scanned on an Agilent G2505C scanner.
Images were quantified using Agilent Feature Extraction Software (version
Description Sample name: NMB8-blo_cy5/cy3
Biological replicate 4 of 4 maternal whole blood
Data processing Agilent GeneSpring GX 11.5 was used for background subtraction and LOWESS normalization.Following global mean normalization, probes with an intensity <400 were discarded for further analysis.
Submission date Feb 22, 2012
Last update date Feb 22, 2012
Contact name wang liang
Organization name BioChainBJ
Street address 7A North Yongchang Road BDA
City Beijing
ZIP/Postal code 100176
Country China
Platform ID GPL14835
Series (1)
GSE35997 DNA hypermethylation in placental tissues: placental tissues vs. maternal peripheral bloods

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3) representing test/input.

Data table
A_17_P00001274 -0.274830861
A_17_P00001275 0.013482092
A_17_P00001276 0.459740715
A_17_P00001277 -0.510129927
A_17_P00001291 -0.192007052
A_17_P00001296 1.249655758
A_17_P00001297 -0.328412118
A_17_P00001469 -0.119731934
A_17_P00001471 0.686556739
A_17_P00001473 1.125139291
A_17_P00001475 -0.059321466
A_17_P00001581 0.466310551
A_17_P00001582 0.346352569
A_17_P00002456 0.004031166
A_17_P00002530 -0.037968573
A_17_P00002531 -0.346952434
A_17_P00002532 0.525937002
A_17_P00003038 -0.119824375
A_17_P00003072 0.810121478
A_17_P00003073 0.126808114

Total number of rows: 43477

Table truncated, full table size 1161 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM879069.txt.gz 6.0 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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