Todd Page, CIIT Centers for Health Research, 6 Davis Dr, Durham, NC, 27709, Todd Page,, 919-558-1372, 919 558 1300
Treatment protocol
in vitro Treatment: siHSF1_#2 (Sense 5’-rArCrArGrCUUrCrCrArCrGUrGUUrCrGrGTT-3’ Antisense 5’-UrCrGrArArCrArCrGUrGrGrArArGrCUrGUTT-3’), Treatment Repeat: 1, Units of Treatment Repeat: dose, Treatment Duration: 48, Units of Duration: hours, Treatment Time: -48, Units of Treatment Time: hrs, Vehicle for Chemical: Lipofectamine 2000, Amount of Vehicle: 0.44, Route of Exposure: transfection, Units of Amount of Vehicle: ul, Dose or Concentration: 3.3, Units of Dose or Concentration: nM Treatment_2: in vitro Treatment: Heat, 43ºC, Treatment Repeat: 1, Units of Treatment Repeat: exposure, Treatment Duration: 0, Units of Duration: hours, Treatment Time: 0, Units of Treatment Time: hrs, Route of Exposure: convection, Dose or Concentration: 43, Units of Dose or Concentration: degrees Celcius
Growth protocol
Growth Media: DMEM_10%FBS_P/S Amount of Media: 5 Units of Media: ml Growth Conditions: 37 C 5% CO2
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Extraction Method: Qiagen_RNeasy_Kit
Hybridization protocol
standard Affymetrix procedures
Scan protocol
standard Affymetrix procedures
01-04-05 TP1_HG-U133A_2_Page_IMFGN0023_05-1_HSF1-2: These samples were previously hybridized on HG-U133A version 1 chips. This experiment repeats these samples on HG-133A version 2 chips. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA 48 hrs prior to heat shock. At time=0 HeLa cells were placed in a 43C incubator for 1.5 hrs, at the indicated time points RNA was harvested and Affymetrix microarrays were run.
Data processing
affylmGUI, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research