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Sample GSM84581 Query DataSets for GSM84581
Status Public on Feb 05, 2006
Title HeLa_01-04-05 TP1_HG-U133A_2_Page_IMFGN0023_05-1_HSF1-2
Sample type RNA
Source name Sample Type: Cells, Cell Line: HeLa, ATCC Number: CCL-2, Number of Cells Seeded: 2.20E+05, Cell Type: cervical carcinoma, Separation Type: Trypsin, Harvest Time Point: 0, Units of Harvest Time Point: hr
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Array Type: HG-U133A_2
Ratio: 1.96
RNA Integrity Number: 10
Bioanalyzer Results: Excellent
Sample Preservation: -70C
Biomaterial provider Todd Page, CIIT Centers for Health Research, 6 Davis Dr, Durham, NC, 27709, Todd Page,, 919-558-1372, 919 558 1300
Treatment protocol in vitro Treatment: siHSF1_#2 (Sense 5’-rArCrArGrCUUrCrCrArCrGUrGUUrCrGrGTT-3’ Antisense 5’-UrCrGrArArCrArCrGUrGrGrArArGrCUrGUTT-3’), Treatment Repeat: 1, Units of Treatment Repeat: dose, Treatment Duration: 48, Units of Duration: hours, Treatment Time: -48, Units of Treatment Time: hrs, Vehicle for Chemical: Lipofectamine 2000, Amount of Vehicle: 0.44, Route of Exposure: transfection, Units of Amount of Vehicle: ul, Dose or Concentration: 3.3, Units of Dose or Concentration: nM
Treatment_2: in vitro Treatment: Heat, 43ºC, Treatment Repeat: 1, Units of Treatment Repeat: exposure, Treatment Duration: 0, Units of Duration: hours, Treatment Time: 0, Units of Treatment Time: hrs, Route of Exposure: convection, Dose or Concentration: 43, Units of Dose or Concentration: degrees Celcius
Growth protocol Growth Media: DMEM_10%FBS_P/S
Amount of Media: 5
Units of Media: ml
Growth Conditions: 37 C 5% CO2
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Extraction Method: Qiagen_RNeasy_Kit
Label biotin
Hybridization protocol standard Affymetrix procedures
Scan protocol standard Affymetrix procedures
Description 01-04-05 TP1_HG-U133A_2_Page_IMFGN0023_05-1_HSF1-2: These samples were previously hybridized on HG-U133A version 1 chips. This experiment repeats these samples on HG-133A version 2 chips. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA 48 hrs prior to heat shock. At time=0 HeLa cells were placed in a 43C incubator for 1.5 hrs, at the indicated time points RNA was harvested and Affymetrix microarrays were run.
Data processing affylmGUI, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Submission date Nov 22, 2005
Last update date Nov 30, 2005
Contact name Todd Page
Phone 919-558-1372
Organization name CIIT
Street address 6 Davis Dr
City RTP
State/province NC
ZIP/Postal code 27709
Country USA
Platform ID GPL571
Series (1)
GSE3697 Treatment of heat shocked HeLa cells with siRNA (siHSF1#1)

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Affymetrix probe name
VALUE RMA Expressioni Value

Data table
1007_s_at 9.516027541
1053_at 9.767232094
117_at 5.995579835
121_at 7.366919975
1255_g_at 3.780102393
1294_at 5.632477448
1316_at 5.453008366
1320_at 5.897724923
1405_i_at 3.659270433
1431_at 3.945546633
1438_at 5.396286032
1487_at 8.624838948
1494_f_at 5.42073124
1598_g_at 8.43303652
160020_at 6.365251892
1729_at 7.563764494
177_at 5.723909988
1773_at 6.377798466
179_at 9.050451762
1861_at 7.90100256

Total number of rows: 22277

Table truncated, full table size 496 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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