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Sample GSM8264437 Query DataSets for GSM8264437
Status Public on Jun 25, 2024
Title WS234 H3K4me3 Rep 1
Sample type SRA
Source name Skeletal muscle
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: Skeletal muscle
cell line: WS234
cell type: muscle progenitor
genotype: Wildtype
treatment: proliferative conditions
antibody: Rabbit anti-Histone H3 (tri methyl K4) abcam ab8580
Treatment protocol CUT&Tag experiements were performed on 75,000 cells
Growth protocol WS234 cells were cultured on 0.1% gelatin-coated plates in LHNC media (4:1 DMEM:Medium 199, 15% BGS (v/v), 0.03 ug/ml Zinc Sulfate, 1.4 ug/ml vitamin B12, 0.055 ug/ml dexamethasone, 2.5 ng/ml HGF, 10 ng/ml FGF, 0.6X penicillin/streptomycin, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4)). Cells were collected under proliferating conditions.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Tn5-PA tagmented DNA was treated with proteinase K, extracted with phenol chloroform, and precipitated with ethanol.
Extracted DNA was amplified with barcoded i5 and i7 compatible primers
CUT&Tag libraries were sequenced on the Illumina NextSeq 6000 instrument
Library strategy OTHER
Library source genomic
Library selection other
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Data processing Nextera adapters were trimmed from sequenced reads with Cutadapt 4.4 (Python 3.9.6).
Trimmed sequences were aligned to mm10 using Bowtie2 version 2.4.4 with the following parameters: --local --very-sensitive-local --no-unal --no-mixed --no-discordant --phred33 -I 10 -X 700.
Duplicates, non-uniquely aligned reads were marked with Picard (3.1.1) and filtered from BAMs using Samtools v1.10 (htslib 1.10). Retained mapped and properly paired reads with greater than 10 Q-score.
Genome coverage was calculated using bamCoverage v3.5.3 (deepTools v3.5.3) with the following parameters: --effectiveGenomeSize 2467481108 --binSize 1 --normalizeUsing 'RPKM' --ignoreForNormalization 'chrM' --extendReads.
Peaks were called using MACS (3.0.0) with parameters: -f BAMPE -g 2805636331 -q 1e-5.
Assembly: GRCh38_hg38
Supplementary files format and content: bigWig, bigBed
Library strategy: CUT&Tag
Submission date May 13, 2024
Last update date Jun 25, 2024
Contact name Jeffrey Dilworth
Phone 6082653758
Organization name University of Wisconsin
Street address 1111 Highland Ave
City Madison
State/province Wisconsin
ZIP/Postal code 53705
Country USA
Platform ID GPL24676
Series (1)
GSE267354 Enrichment of various epigenetic histone marks in human myoblasts
BioSample SAMN41385122
SRA SRX24539709

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource 97.7 Mb (ftp)(http) BW 337.0 Kb (ftp)(http) BB
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