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Sample GSM7951673 Query DataSets for GSM7951673
Status Public on Apr 15, 2024
Title LT-HSCs_Ikba_Het_1 [RNA-seq]
Sample type SRA
Source name fetal liver
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics developmental time: E14.5
tissue: fetal liver
cell type: 500 LT-HSCs
Sex: Male
condition: HET
Growth protocol Primary LT-HSCs from foetal liver were obstained by disection follwed by FACS sorting directly into RTLplus Buffer.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Direct RNA isolation with RNeasy Mini Kit [Qiagen Ref. 74004]
Samples were processed to obtain cDNA following manufacture’s protocol. cDNA amplification was performed by Long Distance PCR (LD-PCR) and the PCR-amplified cDNA purified byimmobilization on AMPure XP beads (Agencourt AMPure XP kit). Samples were analyzed with Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent, Cat. No. 5067-4626). Covaris shearing was used for Illumina Low input sample preparation andDouble last bead purification was performed to remove fragments below 200 bp.Next, samples wereused to generate an Illumina sequencing library byNEBNext Ultra protocol following kit instructions. After PCR amplification of the library, the quality was checked on a Bioanalyzer andtotal cDNA was sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencer.
RNA-seq single-end 50bp
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2000
Data processing Raw reads were trimmed to remove adapters presence with Trimgalore (v0.6.6) (Krueger et al., 2020).
Trimmed reads were aligned to reference genome (GRCm38 release 102 from Ensembl) with STAR aligner tool (v2.7.8). STAR was executed with default parameters except for the number of allowed mismatches which was set to 1
Uniquely mapped reads were considered for further analysis. Raw gene expression was directly quantified in STAR with --quantMode GeneCounts option.
Raw counts matrix was imported into R Statistical software (v4.2.1). Prior to statistical analysis, those genes with less than 10 raw counts across the 8 samples per timepoint were discarded
For visualization purposes, counts were normalized by variance-stabilizing transformation method as implemented in DESeq2 R package (v1.38.3)
Assembly: mm10
Supplementary files format and content: Tab-separated value file: RNAseq_All_samples_Raw_counts.txt: RNAseq Raw expression levels for each gene (55,487 rows) in each individual sample as obtained from STAR. This data is prior to conducting any pre-filtering step.
Supplementary files format and content: Tab-separated value file: RNAseq_Norm_counts_Gender_corrected.txt. Normalized expression levels including the expression of 20,610 genes (rows) per all individual samples. Normalization carried out with VST from DESeq2 (v1.38.3)
Submission date Dec 07, 2023
Last update date Apr 15, 2024
Contact name Anna Bigas
Phone +34933160440
Organization name Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques
Department Cancer Research
Lab Stem Cells and Cancer
Street address Dr. Aiguader 88
City Barcelona
State/province Barcelona
ZIP/Postal code 08003
Country Spain
Platform ID GPL13112
Series (2)
GSE188523 A critical requirement for IκBα in controlling dormancy in Hematopoietic stem cells via retinoic acid during embryonic development [RNA-seq]
GSE188525 A critical requirement for IκBα in controlling dormancy in Hematopoietic stem cells via retinoic acid during embryonic development
BioSample SAMN38711207
SRA SRX22812122

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