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Sample GSM74504 Query DataSets for GSM74504
Status Public on Jul 06, 2006
Title Gene expression in mmi1-ts3 mutant cells (E140)
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name JV565, 30minutes after temperature shift
Organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Characteristics JV565 h- mmi1-ts3-adhT<<kanr ade6-M216 leu1
Treatment protocol A single colony of S. pombe cells on a YES plate was inoculated into YES liquid medium to grow to 5x(the 6th power of 10) cell/ml at 25°C. Cells were shifted to 36°C and collected after further incubation for 30minutes.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated by acid phenol methods described in, and then polyA-RNA was purified by Oligotex-dT30<super>mRNA purification kit (Takara).
Label Cy5
Label protocol The polyA-RNA (3-6microg) was labeled by CyScribe Post-Labeling Kit (Amasham Pharmacia) with Cy3 with Oligo dT primer.
Channel 2
Source name JV565, logarithmically growing
Organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Characteristics JV565 h- mmi1-ts3-adhT<<kanr ade6-M216 leu1
Treatment protocol A single colony of S. pombe cells on a YES plate was inoculated into YES liquid medium. Cells were collected at 5x(the 6th power of 10) cell/ml at 25°C.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated by acid phenol methods described in, and then polyA-RNA was purified by Oligotex-dT30<super>mRNA purification kit (Takara).
Label Cy3
Label protocol The polyA-RNA (3-6microg) was labeled by CyScribe Post-Labeling Kit (Amasham Pharmacia) with Cy3 with Oligo dT primer.
Hybridization protocol The labeled targets were added to the hybridization solution to contain an equal amount of the Cy3 and Cy5, and then were hybridized onto DNA on the microarray, using Genomic solutions GeneTac Hybridization Station, for four hours at 40°C in Genomic solutions GeneTac Hyb buffer 120 microl (including 42% formamide ). The slides after hybridization were washed in the following sequence: (1) 2xSSC 0.1%SDS at 40°C for 5min, (2) 0.2xSSC at 25°C for 1min, and (3) 0.1xSSC at 25°C for 1min.
Scan protocol Microarrays were scanned using an ArraywoRx arrayscanner, and the acquired data was analyzed by a SoftwoRx software (Applied Precision, Inc., Seattle, WA). Fluorescent intensity in each spot circle (150microm diameter) was measured by Softworx tracker.
Description Comparing between vegetatively-growing control cells and cells at 30minutes after shift to the restrictive temperature.
Data processing RNA from vegetatively-growing control cells were labeled with Cy3, and RNA from cells in each experimental condition were labeled with Cy5. Measured fluorescent intensity, I, was corrected as follows to give a corrected intensity, C:C = I-M, (for IA°U¨M+2s), C = I*2s/(M+2s), (for IA°O¨M+2s) where M and s are an average and a standard deviation of I of negative control spots for each wave length respectively. When I = M+2s, that is C=2s, it was set to be a detection limit. When C for either Cy3 or Cy5 or both was greater than 2s, the values were considered to be effective data. VALUE (Expression ratio r') of the each effective detection spot obtained thus was scaled as follows: r'=r-m, r=logR(base is 2), R=(Ccy5/Ccy3), m is an average of r of all effective detection spots.
Submission date Sep 16, 2005
Last update date Jan 23, 2023
Contact name Atsushi Matsuda
Organization name National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Street address 588-2, Iwaoka, Iwaoka-cho, Nishi-ku
City Kobe
ZIP/Postal code 651-2492
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL2849
Series (1)
GSE3314 Stability of meiosis-specific messenger RNA provides a novel paradigm for the regulation of meiosis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Expression ratio r'=r-m, m=-0.225
R r=logR (base is 2)
CH1_Cy5_C Corrected intensity in Channel1(Cy5), C=I-M when I>M+2s, C=I*2s/(M+2s) when I<M+2s, M=125.97, s=48.55
CH2_Cy3_C Corrected intensity in Channel2(Cy3), C=I-M when I>M+2s, C=I*2s/(M+2s) when I<M+2s, M=109.12, s=53.21
CH1_Cy5_I Intensity in Channel 1(Cy5)
CH2_Cy3_I Intensity in Channel 2(Cy3)
notes AA: CH1_Cy5_C>2s, CH2_Cy3_C >2s, AB: CH1_Cy5_C>2s, CH2_Cy3_C<2s, BA: CH1_Cy5_C<2s, CH2_Cy3_C>2s, BB: CH1_Cy5_C<2s, CH2_Cy3_C<2s, Er: error spots, Rep: representative value.

Data table
ID_REF VALUE r R CH1_Cy5_C CH2_Cy3_C CH1_Cy5_I CH2_Cy3_I notes
1 -0.895 -1.120 0.460 72.78586449 158.2105702 167.211426 267.331421 BA
2 -0.575 -0.800 0.574 35.76113839 62.27054631 82.154289 126.120003 BB
3 -0.119 -0.344 0.788 58.77939969 74.59430731 135.034286 151.080002 BB
4 -0.455 -0.680 0.624 22.30873598 35.73446465 51.25 72.375 BB
5 -1.009 -1.234 0.425 51.57108494 121.3254842 118.474579 230.446335 BA
6 -0.872 -1.097 0.467 37.1080637 79.38899756 85.248589 160.790955 BB
7 -1.330 -1.555 0.340 340.2684163 999.9403062 466.238892 1109.061157 AA
8 -0.652 -0.877 0.544 74.14480473 136.1842332 170.333328 245.305084 BA
9 -3.014 -3.239 0.106 32.62504507 308.0188282 74.949722 417.139679 BA
10 -1.206 -1.431 0.371 26.05114418 70.25898774 59.847458 142.299438 BB
11 -1.406 -1.631 0.323 4995.801008 15471.62231 5121.771484 15580.74316 AA
12 -0.089 -0.314 0.805 50.95159898 63.32856296 117.05143 128.262863 BB
13 0.172 -0.053 0.964 398.7809283 413.7774642 524.751404 522.898315 AA
14 -0.361 -0.586 0.666 124.6409593 187.1134322 250.611435 296.234283 AA
15 0.093 -0.132 0.912 58.82665808 64.48250499 135.142853 130.600006 BB
16 1.038 0.813 1.757 165.4452653 94.18792088 291.415741 190.764038 AB
17 -0.143 -0.368 0.775 70.15340013 90.53303192 161.163849 183.361588 BB
18 -2.416 -2.641 0.160 105.7095173 659.3820182 231.679993 768.502869 AA
19 -0.865 -1.090 0.470 87.45374957 186.1205432 200.908051 295.241394 BA
20 1.051 0.826 1.773 84.91664472 47.90404483 195.079544 97.022728 BB

Total number of rows: 5188

Table truncated, full table size 363 Kbytes.

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Processed data included within Sample table

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