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Sample GSM739525 Query DataSets for GSM739525
Status Public on Jun 09, 2011
Title South American Bolivian male F073445
Sample type genomic
Source name South American Bolivian male
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: buccal cell
lab id: F073445
population: Bolivian
clade: B2
polymorphisms relative to rcrs: 16183d, 16193.1C, 16217C, 16354T, 16519C, 73G, 146C, 186T, 263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, 499A
gender: male
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol DNA was extracted from blood or mouthwash sample using standard protocols.
Label Biotin
Label protocol standard Affymetrix protocol
Hybridization protocol DNA was restriction digested, PCR amplified, fragmented, labeled and hybridized to each array according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Scan protocol The Arrays were then washed using Affymetrix fluidics stations, and scanned using the Gene Chip Scanner 3000.
Description saliva
Hybridized to 6.0 chip
Data processing CEL files were processed using Birdseed version 2 in the Affymetrics Power Tools package.
Standard genotype calls with missing data or no call represented by blanks (NN). Important note: Calls were based on an early version of the Affymetrix annotation file. Therefore some AT and GC SNPs will be strand reversed relative to the current hg19 build.
Submission date Jun 08, 2011
Last update date Jun 09, 2011
Contact name Scott Watkins
Phone 801-585-3385
Fax 801-585-9148
Organization name University of Utah
Department Human Genetics
Street address 15 N 2030 E Rm2100
City Salt Lake City
State/province UT
ZIP/Postal code 84112
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6801
Series (1)
GSE29851 Genetic analysis of ancestry, admixture, and selection in Bolivian and Totonac populations of the New World

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Genotype call: 1=AA, 2=AC, 3=AG, 4=AT, 5=CA, 6=CC, 7=CG, 8=CT, 9=GA, 10=GG, 11=GT, 12=TC, 13=TG, and 14=TT

Data table
SNP_A-8709646 6
SNP_A-1909444 1
SNP_A-8408912 14
SNP_A-8524447 8
SNP_A-8573955 3
SNP_A-8573668 1
SNP_A-8573414 3
SNP_A-8531044 14
SNP_A-2116190 14
SNP_A-8325638 1
SNP_A-8700396 6
SNP_A-8411863 1
SNP_A-8420886 1
SNP_A-8513328 10
SNP_A-1902458 2
SNP_A-2131660 8
SNP_A-8450345 3
SNP_A-2109914 10
SNP_A-2291997 10

Total number of rows: 815376

Table truncated, full table size 13094 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM739525_BOL_F073445.CEL.gz 30.0 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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