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Sample GSM6917397 Query DataSets for GSM6917397
Status Public on Feb 10, 2023
Title OVX_Pre_6
Sample type SRA
Source name Hippocampus
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue (trap fraction): Total hippocampus
material: RNA
condition: OVX_Female
Treatment protocol Stereotactic delivery of AAV9 to 1 hippocampal coordinate at 2 depths per side, 2µL of AAV9 per site (4 sites/mouse) 28 days prior to tissue collection. Females received either ovariectomy surgery or sham surgery prior to AAV delivery during the same surgical session.
Growth protocol Ad libitum feeding in single-sex group housing on 12 hour light/dark cycle.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Hippocampus dissected away from rest of brain, homogenized with power drill in glass pestle with RNAse inhibitors and translation inhibitor cycloheximide, spun 2,000g, supernatant mixed with 10% NPC and 10% DHPC 20min on ice, 20,000g spin, part of supernatant added to trizol for "input" (total hippocampal) RNA and remainder used for immunoprecipitation of GFP+ ribosomes (i.e. TRAP). See methods in paper for full details.
Reporter-specific cDNA synthesis using a reverse-complementary primer, followed by PCR, digestion, adapter ligation, and index PCR. DNA from plasmid was prepared simultaneously, starting with the first PCR step. Each step was followed by a cleanup using size-selection beads (brands Ampure XP and Magbind).
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Data processing Barcode extraction from sample fastq - see bitbucket repository for script. Requires flanking 14 bp around barcode to be identical to design, plus a 10bp sequence to be found in between the flanks. All 10bp sequences extracted from Fastqs into text file.
Tabulation of barcode counts for each sample using table() in R. Subsequently, merging to a metadata table on designed barcodes to drop sequences that were not a perfect match to a designed barcode.
Filtering for low read counts, poor barcode representation across replicates, etc. Described at length in Supplementary Methods.
Calculation of log2(cpm RNA barcode) / log2(cpm DNA barcode) for each retained barcode in each sample.
Subtract the within-sample mean of "basal" (minimal-promoter-only) barcode expression from all other barcode expression values --> REML linear mixed model: expression ~ allele + sex + sex:allele + (1|BC), where BC is the unique barcode identifier to control for effects of barcode sequence.
Assembly: hg19-derived sequences (up to 126bp); see enclosed file "Reference-Barcode Sequences, their paired internal identifiers, and the corresponding sequence placed upstream of min promoter.txt" for each allele of each sequence and its paired reporter (RNA) barcodes
Supplementary files format and content: Tab-delimited text; barcode counts for each RNA sample and the DNA sample.
Submission date Jan 04, 2023
Last update date Feb 10, 2023
Contact name Joseph Dougherty
Organization name Washington University in St. Louis
Department Genetics
Lab Dougherty
Street address 660 S Euclid Ave, Campus Box 8232
City St. Louis
State/province MO
ZIP/Postal code 63110
Country USA
Platform ID GPL24247
Series (1)
GSE222184 Extensive sex differences in depression-linked variants functionally assayed in mouse brain [Hippocampus II]
BioSample SAMN32579555
SRA SRX18931609

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