Total RNA was extracted from flag leaves and panicles at 6 days before heading (DBH) of the transgenic (23 line) and WT plants and used for the microarray experiments
Growth protocol
Rice seeds (Oryza sativa L. cv. Ilmi and OsMYB86-ov-23) were geminated on MS0 (Murashige and Skoog) medium, incubated in a growth chamber (28°C, 2 days in dark followed by 2 days in the light), and then transferred into soil and grown in a greenhouse (16-h-light/8-h-dark cycle).
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Total RNA was extracted from the transgenic and WT rice plants using TRI REAGENT® (Molecular Research Center,
Label protocol
Labeling was performed by NimbleGen Systems Inc., Madison, WI USA, following their standard operating protocol. See
Hybridization protocol
Hybridization was performed by NimbleGen Systems Inc., Madison, WI, USA following their standard operating protocol. See
Scan protocol
Scanning was performed by NimbleGen Systems Inc., Madison, WI USA, following their standard operating protocol. See
Total RNA was extracted from panicle of OsMYB14-ov-23 shortly before heading, transgenic, biological replicate 2
Data processing
The raw data (.pair file) was subjected to RMA (Robust Multi-Array Analysis; Irizarry et al. Biostatistics 4(2):249), quantile normalization (Bolstad et al. Bioinformatics 19(2):185), and background correction as implemented in the NimbleScan software package, version 2.4.27 (Roche NimbleGen, Inc.).