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Sample GSM6588394 Query DataSets for GSM6588394
Status Public on Dec 31, 2022
Title exp1, 500mM ChIP
Sample type SRA
Source name Bulk whole organism extract
Organism Caenorhabditis elegans
Characteristics tissue: Bulk whole organism extract
Sex: pooled male and female
developmental stage: L2
genotype: HW2603 (grh-1(syb616(grh-1::gfp::3xflag))
chip target: GRH-1
Growth protocol HW2603 worms (grh-1(syb616(grh-1::GFP::3xFLAG)) I) were synchronised by hatching in the absence of food followed by synchronised plating on NA22-containing and peptone rich XL plates at 25°C.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol 5 million animals were collected in PBS + PI + PMSF 1mM at 15 hours and 19 hours after plating (ie 2 timepoints within L2) and popcorn was created from resuspended larvae mix. Popcorn from both time points were pooled and lysate was prepared by grinding the popcorn, crosslinking with 1.1% formaldehyde and sonication with a Diagnode Biorupter Pico. For the chromatin immuno-precipitation, 50 uL of protein G Dynabeads (10003D, ThermoFisher Scientific) were incubated with 5 ug of anti-GFP antibody (ab290, Abcam) for 4 hours rotating at 4°C. 100 ug of chromatin was added, and incubated over night at 4°C rotating. Beads were washed and the elute was treated with proteinase K and RNaseA, and DNA was purified using Zymo ChIP Concentrator Kit.
Libraries were prepared using the ChIP-seq NEB Ultra protocol, and sequenced using the Illumina 50-Cycle Single-End reads protocol on the HiSeq2500.
Library strategy ChIP-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection ChIP
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2500
Description Pulldown sample using 500mM salt
Data processing ChIP-seq SE50 reads were mapped to the C. elegans genome (ce10) using the R function qAlign (splicedAlignment=TRUE, Rbowtie) from the QuasR package (Au et al., 2010; Gaidatzis et al., 2015)
Peaks were identified using the callpeak command from MACS2 (version (Zhang, 2008) on pulldown sample versus corresponding control sample, with thresholding option "-m 2 50", effective genome size option "-g ce", and otherwise default parameters, for each salt concentration independently.
Motifs were identified using HOMER (version 4.11) (Heinz, 2010), using segment size option "-size given", background segment count option "-N 180000", for motifs lengths "-len 8,10,12", autonormalisation "-nlen 3", and parallelisation options.
Putative binding sites were predicted on the non-mitochondrial mappable segments of the ce10 genome (established using function getMappableRegions() from FMI-developped R package swissknife), using the wrapper function findMotifHits() from R package monaLisa (Machlab, 2022), using a minimum score of 6, method "matchPWM", and parallelisation options.
Assembly: ce10
Supplementary files format and content: BED file of MACS2 peaks, filtering out peaks overlapping overmapped genomic regions, and filtering out the 10% least enriched peaks.
Supplementary files format and content: Gzipped BED file of predicted binding sites with scores above 6.
Submission date Sep 16, 2022
Last update date Dec 31, 2022
Contact name Helge Grosshans
Organization name Friedriche Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI)
Street address Maulbeerstrasse 66
City Basel
ZIP/Postal code 4058
Country Switzerland
Platform ID GPL18245
Series (2)
GSE213508 Whole-organism C. elegans L2 GRH-1 ChIP-seq (experiment 1 of 2)
GSE213510 Whole-organism C. elegans L2 GRH-1 ChIP-seq
BioSample SAMN30889458
SRA SRX17605266

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