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Sample GSM6573960 Query DataSets for GSM6573960
Status Public on Jun 22, 2023
Title MEF Ras.Myc +PD (ATAC-seq) rep2
Sample type SRA
Source name OG2 MEFs
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell line: OG2 MEFs
cell type: MEF
genotype: Ras Myc immortalized
treatment: +PD0325901
Treatment protocol MEFs were treated with the inhibitors PD0325901 and TSA for two days.
Growth protocol MEFs were derived from E13.5 embryos from wildtype ICR genetic background. MEF cells were cultured in DMEM high-glucose media containing 10% FBS (GIBCO), 1 × GlutaMAX (GIBCO), and 1x nonessential amino acids (GIBCO), 0.5x Penicillin/Streptomycin (Hyclone). We generated immortalized MEF cell lines and used the oncogenic genes: P53DD, PMM2-SV40T, PMM2-Hdac7SA, PMM2-Mef2d, Bcl2, PMM2-Myc, Ras, PMM2-E1A.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol a total of ~50,000 cells were washed once with 50 μl of cold PBS and resuspended in 50 μl lysis buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 10 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.2% (v/v) IGEPAL CA-630). The nuclei were centrifuged for 10 min at 500 × g at 4 °C, followed by the addition of 50 μl transposition reaction mix (25 μl TD buffer, 2.5 μl Tn5 transposase (Vazyme) and 22.5 μl nuclease-free water). Samples were PCR amplified and purified using a MinElute kit (Qiagen). After selecting an appropriate PCR cycle number (See (Buenrostro et al., 2013)) samples were sequenced on an Illumina sequencer.
ATAC-seq library was generated using the Tn5 enzyme from the TruePrep DNA Library Prep Kit V2 (Vazyme, TD501-02) as previously described (Buenrostro et al., 2013). Briefly, a total of ~50,000 cells were washed once with 50 μl of cold PBS and resuspended in 50 μl lysis buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 10 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.2% (v/v) IGEPAL CA-630). The nuclei were centrifuged for 10 min at 500 × g at 4 °C, followed by the addition of 50 μl transposition reaction mix (25 μl TD buffer, 2.5 μl Tn5 transposase (Vazyme) and 22.5 μl nuclease-free water). Samples were PCR amplified and purified using a MinElute kit (Qiagen).
Library strategy ATAC-seq
Library source genomic
Library selection other
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description Mm_atac_mef_rm_pd.bed.gz
Data processing Reads were aligned to the mm10 mouse genome with bowtie2 (v2.4.5) (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012)
Peaks were called with MACS2 (v2.2.7.1) (Zhang et al., 2008)
redefine_peaks function, was used to recover low-scoring peaks by sharing peak information across samples (Ma et al., 2021)
All other analysis was performed using glbase3 (Hutchins et al., 2014).
Assembly: mm10
Supplementary files format and content: peak BED files
Submission date Sep 12, 2022
Last update date Jun 22, 2023
Contact name Andrew P Hutchins
Organization name Southern University of Science and Technology
Department Bioinformatics
Lab Bioinformatics and Genomics
Street address 1088 Xueyuan Rd
City Shenzhen
ZIP/Postal code 518055
Country China
Platform ID GPL24247
Series (2)
GSE213167 Factors controlling somatic reprogramming of transformed tumorigeneic cells to induced pluripotent-like stem cells [ATAC-seq]
GSE213225 Factors controlling somatic reprogramming of transformed tumorigeneic cells to induced pluripotent-like stem cells
BioSample SAMN30809657
SRA SRX17535204

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