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Sample GSM602126 Query DataSets for GSM602126
Status Public on Sep 30, 2011
Title Subject 28 before LCD
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name before LCD
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics source material: study participant, subcutaneous adipose tissue, periumbilical area
weight class: weight regainer
time: before LCD
Treatment protocol Subcutaneous adipose tissue samples from the periumbilical area were obtained by needle aspiration under local anaesthesia after an overnight fast at each of the time points. Biopsy samples were stored at -80°C until analysis.
Growth protocol 8 week low calorie diet (LCD; 3.3 MJ/d; 800 kcal).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy total RNA Mini kit (Qiagen).
Label Cy5
Label protocol According to Agilent instructions. RNA from study participant labeled with Cy5, RNA from reference pool labeled with Cy3.
Channel 2
Source name reference RNA
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics source material: commercial pool of human liver, heart, intestine tissue, skeletal muscle RNA
Treatment protocol Subcutaneous adipose tissue samples from the periumbilical area were obtained by needle aspiration under local anaesthesia after an overnight fast at each of the time points. Biopsy samples were stored at -80°C until analysis.
Growth protocol 8 week low calorie diet (LCD; 3.3 MJ/d; 800 kcal).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy total RNA Mini kit (Qiagen).
Label Cy3
Label protocol According to Agilent instructions. RNA from study participant labeled with Cy5, RNA from reference pool labeled with Cy3.
Hybridization protocol Sample preparation, hybridization, and microarray washing were performed according to manufacturer’s instructions (Agilent Technologies).
Scan protocol Scanned using a GenePix 4000A Scanner (Axon Instruments-Molecular Devices).
Description Subject 28 before LCD
Data processing Microarray normalization was carried out by subtracting the median intensity background signal prior to intra-slide Loess normalization of log-transformed data (Goulphar Version 1.1.3 package). All data was then uploaded into the JMP Genomics Version 4.1 platform and further normalized using a quantile inter-slide intensity method.
Submission date Sep 29, 2010
Last update date May 04, 2012
Contact name David M Mutch
Phone +1-519-824-4120
Organization name University of Guelph
Department Human Health & Nutritional Sciences
Lab ANNU 308
Street address 50 Stone Road East
City Guelph
State/province Ontario
ZIP/Postal code N1G 2W1
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL4133
Series (1)
GSE24432 Subcutaneous adipose tissue: comparison of weight maintainence and weight regain following an 8-week low calorie diet

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Loess normalized log-transformed data (participant/reference)

Data table
1 -0.608
2 -0.541
3 -0.265
4 -0.244
5 -0.277
6 -0.277
7 0.047
8 -0.215
9 -0.115
10 0.083
11 -0.086
12 -0.116
13 0.117
14 0.263
15 0.024
16 -0.13
17 0.002
18 -0.355
19 1.389
20 -0.024

Total number of rows: 45220

Table truncated, full table size 533 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM602126.gpr.gz 6.1 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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