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Sample GSM5816046 Query DataSets for GSM5816046
Status Public on Jun 27, 2022
Title YN, Embryo 4, ICM
Sample type SRA
Source name Blastocyst
Organism Equus caballus
Characteristics tissue: Inner Cell Mass
maternal age: 6
maternal parity: 0
embryo size: 795
embryo sex: male
Growth protocol Saddlebred mares (French Anglo-Arabian and Selle Français breeds) were included in this study. They were raised in the “Institut Français du Cheval et de l’Equitation” experimental farm (Chamberet, France, 45° 34’55.17”N, 1°43’16.29”E, 442m). During the protocol period, mares were managed in herds in natural pastures 24h/day with free access to water. The experiments took place from April, the 1st until May 23rd, 2019. All mares remained healthy during this period. The mares’ estrus period was monitored by ultrasound with a 5MHz trans-rectal transducer. During estrus, ovulation was induced with a single 750-1500 IU IV injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (Chrorulon® 5000, MSD Santé animale) as soon as one ovarian follicle >35mm in diameter together with marked uterine edema were observed. At the same time, mares were artificially inseminated with fresh or refrigerated semen containing at least 1 billion motile spermatozoids from a single fertile stallion. Ovulation was confirmed within the next 48 hours by ultrasonography. Embryos were collected 10 days after the insemination (i.e., 8±0.5 days post-ovulation) by non-surgical uterine lavage using prewarmed (37°C) lactated Ringer’s solution (B.Braun) and EZ-Way Filter (IMV Technologies). All embryos were expanded blastocysts grade I or II according to the embryo classification of McKinnon and Squires. They were washed 4 times in commercially available Embryo holding medium (IMV Technologies) and then cut with a microscalpel under binocular magnifying glass to separate pure trophoblast (TE) and inner cell mass enriched hemi-embryo (ICM).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Each hemi-embryo was transferred to a DNA LoBind tube (Eppendorf) with extraction buffer from PicoPure RNA isolation kit (Applied Biosystems) and incubated for 30min at 42°C prior to storage at -80°C. The extraction of hemi-embryos RNA was performed using the PicoPure RNA isolation kit (Applied Biosystems), including a DNAse treatment, following the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA quality and quantity were obtained with 2100 bioanalyzer system using RNA 6000 Pico or nano kit (Agilent Technologies) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The RNA Integrity Number median was 9.6 (range from 9.0 to 9.9).
Five nanograms of total RNA (except YN_E1 for which only 2.5ng were used) were mixed with ERCC spike-in mix (Thermofisher) according to the manufacturer recommendations and then used for re-transcription and amplification using the SMART-Seq V4 ultra low input RNA kit (Clontech) according to the manufacturer recommendations. Nine PCR cycles were performed for each hemi-embryo. cDNA quality was assessed on an Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, using an Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent Technologies). Libraries were prepared from 0.15 ng cDNA using the Nextera XT Illumina library preparation kit (Illumina). Libraries were pooled in equimolar proportions and sequenced (Paired-end 50-34 pb) on NextSeq500 instrument, using a NextSeq 500 High Output 75 cycles kit (Illumina).
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Data processing Demultiplexing has been done with bcl2fastq2 version (Illumina) and adapters were trimmed with Cutadapt version 1.15, only reads longer than 10pb were kept.
A de novo assembly was made using StringTie version 2.1.2 following manufacturer instructions to identify XIST in equine embryo samples. The GTF output was aligned on Ensembl 99 EquCab3.0 assembly using IGV version 2.7.2. As XIST position and length on X chromosome was knew (thanks to Pablo Ross) and as XIST is annotated in human, the more similar contig was selected. Y chromosome is not assembly in the EquCab3.0 assembly but a nucleotide sequence of SRY is available on NCBI website. Both sequences were added to FASTA file from Ensembl 99 EquCab3.0 assembly. Both genes were added to GTF from Ensembl 99 EquCab3.0 assembly as both unique chromosome with one gene composed of one transcript.
STAR version 2.6 was used for the alignment (2-pass mapping with GTF file using parameters: --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds No --alignEndsType EndToEnd --alignIntronMax 86545 --alignMatesGapMax 86545) on previously modified Ensembl 99 EquCab3.0 assembly. Genes were then counted with featureCounts from Subreads package version 1.6.1 (parameters: -p -B -C -M).
Genome_build: Ensembl 99 EquCab3.0 assembly + de novo XIST sequence + SRY sequence from NCBI
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: Matrix table with raw gene counts for every gene and every sample
Submission date Jan 13, 2022
Last update date Jun 27, 2022
Contact name Emilie Derisoud
Organization name INRAE
Street address 26 Rue des Prés,
State/province Essonne
ZIP/Postal code 91120
Country France
Platform ID GPL21401
Series (2)
GSE193675 Gene expression in Day-8 equine embryos from young nulliparous mares
GSE193676 EPAJ: Effect of mares' parity and age
BioSample SAMN24966775
SRA SRX13784711

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