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Sample GSM5468476 Query DataSets for GSM5468476
Status Public on Jul 24, 2021
Title TKO-L-p0_MuERVL
Sample type SRA
Source name J1 mESC
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell type: mESC
strain: J1
genotype: Dnmt3a + Dnmt3b KO + Dnmt1 shRNA
Growth protocol mES cells were cultured in Knock Out DMEM media (Gibco) containing 15% FBS, 1% PEN/STREP, 1% glutamine, 1% NEAA, and 105 U LIF. For ES cell maintenance, dishes were coated with 0.2% gelatin and irradiated CD1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were plated as a confluent layer of feeder cells. mES cells were seeded at a density of 50,000 cells per well of a six-well plate and were split every 3–4 days.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was isolated from cells through phenol-chloroform extraction
200 ng of genomic DNA was digested with 10 U of BsaWI (NEB), DdeI (NEB), Eco47I (Thermo Fisher Sc.) or MspI (Thermo Fisher Sc.), incubated for 16 h at 60°C (BsaWI) or 37°C (DdeI, Eco47I and MspI) and afterwards heat inactivated. 50 pmol of endonuclease specific hairpin-linker was ligated in a 20 µl reaction at 16 °C for 3 h. Bisulfite conversion was done using Zymo’s EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kit according to manufacturer’s instructions. Bisulfite treated Hairpin-DNA was eluted in 20 µl Elution Buffer. PCR was performed in 30 µl reactions with 2 µl of Hairpin-Bisulfite template and 37 PCR cycles using HotFirePol®DNA Polymerase (Solis BioDyne) or HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase (Qiagen). PCR products were purified from a 1.2% agarose gel using Avegene’s GenepHlow™ Gel/PCR Kit according to manufacturer’s instructions and eluted in 20 µl 0.1x TE buffer. Amplicons were indexed in a 50 µl PCR using specific TruSeq indices and 6 PCR cycles. Index PCRs were purified with 1.1x AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter). Amplicons were sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq in a 2x250 bp sequencing mode
Library strategy OTHER
Library source genomic
Library selection other
Instrument model Illumina MiSeq
Description BS_hairpin.csv
Data processing Library strategy: BS-Amplicon
CpG methylation states were determined using BiQAnalyzerHT, filtering for a sequence identity of >= 0.8 (reference sequence for IAP and IAPez have been shortened in order to obtain a better mapping of the sequencing reads) and strand-specific methylation patterns were obtained using Hairpinanalyzer V0.3 (Mathias Bader and Julia Arand, available under:, filtering for a linker conversion rate of >= 0.8. H(O)TA was applied in order to determine enzyme efficiencies.
Genome_build: mm9
processed data files format and content: csv containing read count statistics
Submission date Jul 23, 2021
Last update date Jul 25, 2021
Contact name Helene Kretzmer
Organization name Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Department Genome Regulation
Lab Meissner Lab
Street address Ihnestraße 63
City Berlin
ZIP/Postal code 14195
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL16417
Series (1)
GSE158460 Dnmt1 has global de novo methylation activity and is specifically targeted to transposable elements
BioSample SAMN20360197
SRA SRX11531333

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