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Sample GSM518087 Query DataSets for GSM518087
Status Public on Mar 10, 2010
Title SAE 13727629 GEO E3' t0 - cy3 vs S3' t0 - cy5
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name E3' t0 - cy3
Organism Dictyostelium discoideum
Characteristics sample type: AX2 cells treated with E. Coli B/r as control. Total RNA isolated at 0h time point.
strain: AX2
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated using TRIzol
Label Cy3
Label protocol Fairplay indirect labelling kit (Stratagene)
Channel 2
Source name S3' t0 - cy5
Organism Dictyostelium discoideum
Characteristics sample type: AX2 cells treated with S. typhimurium. Total RNA isolated at 0h time point.
strain: AX2
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated using TRIzol
Label Cy5
Label protocol Fairplay indirect labelling kit (Stratagene)
Hybridization protocol Cy3 and Cy5 labelled targets were mixed, ethanol precipitated and dissolved in 65 µl of hybridisation buffer (Noegel et al., 1985) with 500 µg/ml Fish sperm DNA (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) and 2 µM Oligo dA 18-mer. The hybridisation mix was heated to 80 °C for 10 min, applied to the microarray under a cover-slip and incubated in a hybridisation chamber (Corning, New York, USA) for 15 hours at 37°C. Post-hybridisation washes were performed twice with 2x SSC, 0.1% SDS and once with 0.1x SSC, 0.1% SDS for 5 min each, five times with 0.1x SSC and once with with 0.01x SSC for 5 sec each and dried by centrifugation at 235xg for 5 min.
See also Farbrother et al., Cell. Microbiol., 3:438-456, 2006.
Scan protocol Signal detection was performed with the ScanArray 4000XL confocal laser scanner (PerkinElmer Life Sciences, Wellesley, USA). Images for Cy3 and Cy5 were obtained, spots were detected and quantified with ScanArray Express v2.2 (PerkinElmer Life Sciences), then manually inspected and if necessary corrected.
See also Farbrother et al., Cell. Microbiol., 3:438-456, 2006.
Description DNA microarrays cotainining 5,423 non-redundant ESTs from the D. discoideum cDNA project (Urushihara et al., 2004), partial sequences of 450 selected genes, probes of the SpotReport-10 Array Validation System (Stratagene, La Jolla, USA) and appropriate positive and negative controls were produced in-house using standard protocols (see also: production.e.shtml). Briefly, probes were amplified by two 100µl PCR reactions in 96-well microtiter plates using standard primers (M13F2: 5’-GTAAAACGACGGCCAGTG-3’, M13R2: 5’-C6-Aminolink-ACCATGATTACGCCAAGC-3’) for the cloned ESTs and gene-specific primers for the selected genes and the positive controls. After analysis by agarose gel electrophoresis (10µl of each reaction) the two reactions were combined, precipitated, solubilised in 11µl 25% DMSO, 1µl separated again by agarose gel electrophoresis and evaluated (Farbrother et al., 2002). Probes were transferred with the proteineer dp pipetting robot (Bruker, Germany) into 384-well microarray plates with cylindrical wells (Abgene, Hamburg, Germany) and printed onto UltraGaps slides (Corning, New York, USA) at 18°C and 45% humidity with a BioRobotics MicroGrid 600 microarray robot (Genomic Solutions, Huntingdon, UK) using MicroSpot 2500 microarraying pins. Each probe was spotted in duplicate, positive and negative controls were spotted 6, 24, 192 or 286 times and the SpotReport controls 96 times. The microarray is composed of three grids with 16 subarrays each and 14,620 spots in total. The complete microarray dataset is available at GEO,; accession number GPL1972.
Data processing For each individual comparison four microarrays were hybridised and analysed. Two imagepairs were produced per microarray slide, one with high laser intensity so that signals for most probes and also some saturated signals were obtained and a second one with lower laser intensity so that none of the signals was saturated. This way the dynamic range of the measurement was expanded. To handle the import and export of microarray data to different analysis programs an Excel Add-In, Array tools ( transcriptomics/tools-array.e.shtml), was programmed in Visual Basic. Upon import of two data files of the same microarray scanned with different laser powers the saturated spots of the high laser power scan were replaced by non-saturated spots from the low laser power scan. In addition the import also performed data filtering by flagging SpotReport controls, negative controls, empty spots, spots where only spotting solution was printed and spots whose intensities were below or equal to zero as "Bad". Fluorescence ratios were normalised by LOWESS-norma-lisation using R1.6.2 (BioConductor, The normalized M values (M = log2 (Intensityexperiment/Intensitycontrol) were transferred into a new worksheet for significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) analysis (Tusher et al., 2001). At the transfer all probes spotted in higher replicates were reduced to double spots by averaging. Furthermore all probes that were flagged "Found" in less than half of the spots, were excluded from SAM analysis. Differentially regulated genes were identified using the one-class SAM method calculating 1000 permutations. The SAM program not only identifies the differentially regulated genes, but also predicts the number of false positives. These are the genes that are falsely reported as differentially expressed. This feature was used in all microarray experiments to set the significance level such, that the 90th percentile of the false discovery rate (FDR) was minimal.
See also Farbrother et al., Cell. Microbiol., 3:438-456, 2006.
Submission date Mar 04, 2010
Last update date Mar 09, 2010
Contact name Ludwig Eichinger
Phone +49 221 478 6928
Organization name Institute for Biochemistry 1
Lab AG Eichinger
Street address Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 52
City Cologne
ZIP/Postal code 50931
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL1972
Series (2)
GSE20632 Differential Expression upon infection with Salmonella typhimurium (t0)
GSE20688 Salmonella infected Dictyostelium discoideum

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalised M-value; M=log2(Intensity_Exp/Intensity_Con)
A Norm Normalised A-value; A=log2 times square root of (I_Exp x I_Con)
Exp Norm Normalised intensity value of experiment
Con Norm Normalised intensity value of control
Con Median Median intensity value of control
Con B Median Median background intensity value of control
Exp Median Median intensity value of experiment
Exp B Median Median background intensity value of experiment

Data table
ID_REF VALUE A Norm Exp Norm Con Norm Con Median Con B Median Exp Median Exp B Median
1 -0.136 14.5 22008 24176 21593 1835 24641 1299
2 -0.130 14.5 22894 25061 22407 1896 25605 1426
3 0.229 12.9 8265 7052 6376 1899 9142 1491
4 0.468 13.2 11377 8222 7454 1914 12549 1727
5 10948 934 65535 966
6 -0.137 11.8 3333 3665 3445 1843 3545 1444
7 -0.249 14.8 26666 31684 28661 1739 29478 1263
8 -0.115 15.0 32396 35086 32231 1833 35266 1283
9 0.432 12.4 6105 4526 4079 1812 6774 1359
10 -0.437 12.6 5378 7278 6555 1822 5971 1415
11 0.083 13.6 12891 12173 11042 1767 14211 1379
12 -0.095 13.7 12522 13377 12137 1791 13801 1255
13 -0.080 12.4 5268 5568 5003 1800 5863 1256
14 -0.012 12.6 6266 6319 5693 1806 6955 1307
15 1579 1790 1283 1309
16 1832 1791 1332 1313
17 1744 1605 1302 1274
18 1768 1775 1443 1335
19 0.008 14.4 21240 21127 18846 1783 23810 1338
20 -0.201 14.3 19084 21935 19579 1844 21380 1302

Total number of rows: 15552

Table truncated, full table size 599 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM518087.csv.gz 799.3 Kb (ftp)(http) CSV
Processed data included within Sample table

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