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Sample GSM5123324 Query DataSets for GSM5123324
Status Public on Jul 06, 2021
Title RB10 (3.5K BAC-CGH)
Sample type genomic
Source name retinoblastoma sample RB10
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics sample_id_for_geo: SAMPLE 8
tissue: retinoblastoma
Treatment protocol NA
Growth protocol NA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol For DNA extraction, samples were first incubated in a lysis buffer with proteinase K, recombinant. They were next incubated with RNAse A. DNA was then extracted using a standard phenol-chloroform protocol
Label Cy5
Label protocol Cy5
Hybridization protocol see platform's Manufacture protocol
Scan protocol ScanArray 4000 (Packard Bioscience)
Description 3.5K BAC CGH array data for retinoblastoma samples
Sample name: SAMPLE 8
Data processing HG19 version of the genome used, data processed with GLAD algorithm (Hupé et al, Bioinformatics, 2004)
Raw data matrix : raw log ratio values, Processed data matrix: Gap-smoothed log ratio values
Submission date Mar 01, 2021
Last update date Feb 11, 2022
Contact name Elodie chapeaublanc
Organization name Institut Curie
Department UMR 144
Lab Equipe Radvanyi
Street address 26 rue d'ulm
City paris
ZIP/Postal code 75248
Country France
Platform ID GPL18861
Series (2)
GSE58784 Retinoblastoma genome variation profiling by genome tiling array
GSE58785 Pan-genomic study of primary human retinoblastoma samples

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Gap-smoothed log ratio values

Data table
2 -0.0043
3 -0.0043
5 -0.0043
6 -0.0043
7 -0.0043
8 -0.0043
9 -0.0043
10 -0.0043
11 -0.0043
12 -0.0043
13 -0.0043
14 -0.0043
15 -0.0043
16 -0.0043
17 -0.0043
18 -0.0043
19 -0.0043

Total number of rows: 3511

Table truncated, full table size 36 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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