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Sample GSM48540 Query DataSets for GSM48540
Status Public on Jul 20, 2005
Title VC11 vector control line replicate 3
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name VC11, Cy5, leaf poly_A RNA
Organism Medicago truncatula
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name vector control line VB2, Cy3, leaf poly_A RNA
Organism Medicago truncatula
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description PolyA RNA was isolated from 400 ug of total leaf RNA using the Poly(A)Purist MAG kit from Ambion (Austin, TX). Two ug of polyA was transcribed into cDNA and fluorescently labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 dyes using the SuperScript Indirect cDNA Labeling System (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Labeled cDNA for experimental (Cy5) and reference (Cy3) samples were combined, ethanol precipitated, and resuspended in 10 ul of water. The cDNA was heated at 100°C for 3 min before the addition of 70 ul of SlideHyb Glass Array Hybridization Buffer #1 (Ambion, Austin, TX). The hybridization solution was pipetted onto slides covered with a gapped coverslip (LifterSlips, Erie Scientific Company, Portsmouth, NH). Slides were incubated overnight at 42°C in Corning hybridization chambers, then washed in 1x SSC, 0.1% (w/v) SDS for 5 min at 42°C followed by 5 min washes in 0.1x SSC, 0.1% SDS (w/v); and 0.05x SSC at room temperature. Slides were scanned using the ScanArray 4000 Microarray Analysis System. Based on an initial low resolution (50 um) scan, laser power settings were manually adjusted to balance the intensities between the two channels and slides were rescanned at 10 um resolution. Typical laser settings were: Cy3 laser power=100, PMT=80; Cy5: laser power=85, PMT=75. GPR files were generated using GenePix Pro 4.1 software and the mean pixel intensities for each spot were used in subsequent data analysis. Data files were imported into GeneTraffic Duo Version 2.6 and data for each hybridization were normalized using the Lowess Sub-Grid method. Spots flagged by the program under the default settings (spots with a raw pixel intensity less than 100 or lower than the average background and spots with an intensity/background intensity ratio <1) were removed from further analysis.
Keywords = Medicago
Keywords = alfalfa
Keywords = isoflavone synthase
Lot batch = Batch 1_9
Submission date Apr 19, 2005
Last update date Oct 28, 2005
Contact name Bettina Deavours
Phone 580-224-6600
Organization name Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
Street address
City Ardmore
State/province OK
ZIP/Postal code 73401
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1971
Series (1)
GSE2546 MtIFS1-expressing alfalfa

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Lowess sub-grid normalized log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3)
LEX.E Raw Cy5 raw pixel intensity
LEX.R Raw Cy3 raw pixel intensity
LEX.E - BG Cy5 background-corrected pixel intensity
LEX.R - BG Cy3 background-corrected pixel intensity
LEX.R Norm. Cy3 normalized pixel intensity
Flag flagged spot

Data table
MT00001 1.33 2084 1536 1865 1432 1398
MT00002 1.52 1939 1288 1712 1170 1125
MT00003 1.02 780 734 569 623 558
MT00004 1.23 989 809 779 701 634
MT00005 -1.65 215 142 9 16 15 BIJ
MT00006 -12.33 178 144 2 26 25 BFIJ
MT00007 1.15 1568 1357 1346 1236 1172
MT00008 -1.9 2150 3810 1936 3672 3680
MT00009 1.21 1358 1188 1133 1030 936
MT00010 -1.02 1401 1434 1187 1291 1213
MT00011 1.21 1134 971 904 829 746
MT00012 -1 232 95 2 2 2 BFGIJL
MT00013 24.5 268 151 49 2 2 BGJ
MT00014 1.44 1093 813 879 675 610
MT00015 1.18 417 333 185 181 156
MT00016 -1.05 4833 4983 4539 4826 4752
MT00017 1.19 58799 41208 58478 41034 48949
MT00018 -1.35 7348 9483 7083 9335 9534
MT00019 1.36 789 639 595 488 437
MT00020 -1.02 3001 2974 2800 2843 2858

Total number of rows: 16928

Table truncated, full table size 605 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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