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Sample GSM47871 Query DataSets for GSM47871
Status Public on Apr 09, 2005
Title Low HIV-1 infection of human PBMCs in vitro, without N. gonorrheae (2)
Sample type RNA
Source name Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description We used Affymetrix U133A 2.0 chips to measure RNA expression levels in human PBMCs that were infected in vitro with a dosage series of HIV-1 (Bal) for 11d, followed by 6hr stimulation with N. gonorrheae.
Submission date Apr 07, 2005
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Monty Montano
Phone 617 414-4806
Fax 617 414-3561
Organization name Boston Medical Center
Department Medicine
Lab Center for HIV-1/AIDS Care and Research
Street address 650 Albany Street, Bldg X, room 640
City Boston
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02118
Country USA
Platform ID GPL571
Series (1)
GSE2505 HIV-1 burden influences host response to co-infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae in vitro

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Scaled intensity values
DETECTION P-VALUE Quality of measurement
ABS_CALL Present, absent or marginal call
U_S_Ave Average of unscaled, smoothed data from the low HIV-1 pair

Data table
1007_s_at 133.1 0.00418 P 36.5
1053_at 580.5 0.000266 P 88.9
117_at 35.4 0.32083 A 25.2
121_at 265.8 0.019304 P 58.95
1255_g_at 12.1 0.602023 A 22.1
1294_at 849.6 0.000219 P 157.45
1316_at 19 0.397977 A 24.9
1320_at 3.1 0.910595 A 21
1405_i_at 18066.2 0.000491 P 3028.05
1431_at 2.9 0.581931 A 22.95
1438_at 16.4 0.438361 A 22.55
1487_at 499.8 0.031336 P 85.15
1494_f_at 33.5 0.397994 A 29.4
1598_g_at 150.5 0.150527 A 37.75
160020_at 168.6 0.007543 P 45.8
1729_at 829.1 0.000266 P 140.2
177_at 17.6 0.35869 A 22.8
1773_at 71.6 0.107301 A 29.45
179_at 152 0.5 A 40.35
1861_at 256.1 0.000673 P 52.9

Total number of rows: 22277

Table truncated, full table size 710 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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