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Sample GSM4773848 Query DataSets for GSM4773848
Status Public on May 13, 2021
Title RNA-Seq KDM1AKO repl1
Sample type SRA
Source name E14TG2a
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell line: E14TG2a
genotype: KDM1AKO
Growth protocol E14 mouse ES cells (E14TG2a) were cultured in DMEM, 15% FCS, 1 x L-Glutamine, 1 x Non-essential amino acids, 1 x Sodium pyruvate, 1 x Penicillin/Streptomycin , 0.15% β-mercaptoethanol and 100 Units/ml of LIF on gelatin-coated plates.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol ChIP experiments were performed in accordance to the One Day ChIP kit protocol (Diagenode). Total RNA was extracted by using the RNeasy Mini system (Qiagen) including an on-column DNaseI digestion.
For ChIP-Seq library five nanograms of precipitated DNA were used for indexed sequencing library preparation using the Microplex library preparation kit v2 (Diagenode). RNA-Seq libraries were prepared using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep kit (Illumina).
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model NextSeq 550
Description NormalizedCounts-WT-KDM1AKO-L3MBTL3KO.txt
Data processing ChIP-Seq data were aligned to mouse genome mm9 or mm10 using Bowtie 1.0, allowing one mismatch.
SAM files were converted to bigwig files using SamTools, and deepTools/bamCoverage. Data were normalized to RPKM.
RNA-Seq data were aligned to mouse transcriptome GenCode.M23 using RNA Star. Counts per gene were determined using FeatureCounts . Differentially expressed genes and normalized reads were determined using DeSeq2.
Genome_build: mm9, mm10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: txt
Submission date Sep 09, 2020
Last update date May 13, 2021
Contact name Robert Liefke
Organization name Philipps University of Marburg
Department Institute of Molecular Biology and Tumor Research (IMT)
Street address Hans-Meerwein-Str. 2
City Marburg
State/province Hessen
ZIP/Postal code 35043
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL21626
Series (1)
GSE144396 The SAM domain-containing protein 1 (SAMD1) acts as a repressive chromatin regulator at unmethylated CpG islands
BioSample SAMN16088988
SRA SRX9100294

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