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Sample GSM4709183 Query DataSets for GSM4709183
Status Public on Jul 30, 2024
Title SIG_2004
Sample type SRA
Source name healthy_control_m_blood
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics status: healthy_control
Sex: m
tissue: blood
Treatment protocol Blood samples from patients and controls were collected and stored in PAX tubes. Project SIG-2019
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Whole blood RNA was extracted from PAX gene tubes as described in the manufacturer’s protocol (QIAGEN PreAnalytiX)
Quality and integrity of total RNA was controlled on Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies; Waldbronn, Germany). Library construction: Globin mRNA was depleted from total RNA using GLOBINclear Kit, human (ThermoFisher, Invitrogen). Subsequently, a strand-specific RNA sequencing library was generated using NEBNext® Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit (New England Biolabs) according to manufacturer’s protocols.
The library was sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 4000 using HiSeq 3000/4000 SBS Kit (300 cycles) with an average of 40 million reads per RNA sample
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 4000
Data processing Reads were quality checked with package FastQC (version 0.11.4, reference see link below), then trimmed using Trimgalore (version 0.4.4, reference see link below) with default settings.
Trimmed reads were mapped to human genome annotation hg38 (ENSMBL hg38 release 91) using STAR (version 2.5.2b, (Dobin and Gingeras, 2015)) with default settings.
Mapped reads were counted using RsubRead (version 1.32.4, (Liao et al., 2019)). Reads for beta-globin were set to 1000. Raw counts were then normalized using DESeq2 (version 1.16.1, (Love et al., 2014)).
Sex was validated by gene expression for Y-specific genes and corrected if different from recorded sex.
Genome_build: ENSMBL hg38 release 91
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: txt matrix with log2 normalized values per sample.
Submission date Aug 03, 2020
Last update date Jul 30, 2024
Contact name Klaus Schughart
Phone +49-159-0483-7911
Organization name University Münster
Department Virology
Street address Von-Esmarch-Str 56
City Münster
ZIP/Postal code 48149
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL20301
Series (1)
GSE155635 RNAseq analysis of blood from influenza infected patients and healthy controls-SIG2019
Reanalyzed by GSE272879
BioSample SAMN15716852
SRA SRX8875516

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