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Sample GSM4696914 Query DataSets for GSM4696914
Status Public on Sep 16, 2020
Title Normal liver-whole
Sample type SRA
Source name Hepatic non-parenchymal cells
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell type: Hepatic non-parenchymal cells
strain: C57BL/6 p16-CREERT2 ROS26-CMV-lsl-tdTomato
treatment: Untreated, 7m mouse
disease state: normal
Treatment protocol All the mice were sacrificed two weeks after the daily i.p. injection with 80 mg/kgBW tamoxifen for 5 days at designated age. For NASH induction, the mice were maintained on rodent diet with 45% kcal% fat without added choline (CDHFD) for 6 months.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol The sorted cells were suspended in PBS, and then the single cell cDNA libraries were generated through following the protocol of Chromium Single Cell 3’GEM, Library & Gel Bead Kit v3.
scRNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard 10X Genomic protocols
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description scRNA-derived cDNA library
Sacrificed two weeks after daily i.p. injection with TAM for 5 days
Normal 7m liver.h5ad
Merge for Kup and LSEC.h5ad
Data processing CellRanger v3.0.2 software used for base-calling, UMI recognization, and sequence alignment to mm10 reference.
Low quality single cell transcriptomes were filtered out with low gene content (genes<200), low UMI counts (UMI<800), doublet (genes>7000), and high mitochondial gene content (<10% for liver, <40% for kidney) through scanpy 1.4.5.post1
The UMI counts were normalized and log transformed by scanpy
After UMAP visualization and leiden clustering (n_neighbors=10), the cluster-dependent ranking genes were calculated by log-regression method, which were used in the marker gene defined cell type identification.
Genome_build: mm10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: h5ad file for anndata structure
Submission date Jul 27, 2020
Last update date Sep 16, 2020
Contact name Satotaka Omori
Phone 0354495449
Organization name the university of Tokyo
Street address shirokanedai, 4-6-1
City Minato ku
State/province tokyo
ZIP/Postal code 108-0071
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL24247
Series (1)
GSE155182 Single cell RNA seq of hepatic and renal p16 positive cells
BioSample SAMN15650976
SRA SRX8831606

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