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Sample GSM4066902 Query DataSets for GSM4066902
Status Public on Jul 25, 2023
Title RL377_2016_11_06_R1p36_110716_Day0
Sample type SRA
Source name mESC
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell line: R1
cell type: mESC
cell culture: in vitro
age: passage 36
Treatment protocol High potassium-mediated depolarisation was performed by washing cells with low K+ buffer, transferring to high K+ buffer for 5 min, washed again in low K+ buffer and either harvested directly for RNA, immediately fixed for ICC, or chased in growth medium for the appropriate times prior to fixation or RNA extraction.
Growth protocol mESC cells lines R1 and G4 were maintained on gamma-irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts in mESC medium with LIF. Cells were fed daily and split based on confluency. Neural differentiation was initiated by dissociating the mESC colonies using Accutase and excess feeder cells were removed from the cell suspensions by panning on gelatin-coated plates. Dissociated cells were counted and transferred to ultra-low attachment cell culture plates at a dilution of 220,000 cells/ml, in differentiation medium. Neural induction was continued for 8 days, medium was changed every two days, and supplemented with 5 µM retinoic acid for the final 4 days. Cell aggregates were dissociated using Accutase, single cell selected through a 40 µm cell strainer, and plated onto poly-ornithine / laminin-coated plates in N2 medium. After 2 days, cells were changed into N2B27 which was changed every 4 days for 12 days, following which 50% media changes were performed for the remaining culture time.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Quiagen Blood and Tissue DNA Extraction kit with extended Pretinase K and RNAsA treatment steps.
Lucigen Nxseq Ampfree Low DNA Library Kit and Zymo EZ DNA Methylation Direct Kit for MethylC libraries.
Library strategy Bisulfite-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection RANDOM
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 1500
Description ESC-derived wild type neural differentiation
Data processing adapter trimming using Methpipe pipeline as described in Lister et al Science 2013
mapping reads to mm10 genome using Bowtie as described in Lister et al Science 2013
merging mapped runs, convert to .slam, sort, collapse, trim reads using Methpipe pipeline as described in Lister et al Science 2013
stack creation and hammer correction using Methpipe pipeline as described in Lister et al Science 2013
make allC tables and count global statistics using Methpipe pipeline as described in Lister et al Science 2013
convert stacks to bedgraph files using simple awk script
generate bigwigs using bedgraphtobigwig v4
Genome_build: mm10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: stacks.txt files containing all mapped methylated and total cytosines, bigWigs for coverage containing all mapped cytosines, bigWigs for mC containing percentage of methylated cytosines for contexts CG and CH
Submission date Sep 09, 2019
Last update date Jul 25, 2023
Contact name Ryan Lister
Phone 61864884407
Organization name The University of Western Australia
Street address 35 Stirling Highway
City Perth
State/province WA
ZIP/Postal code 6009
Country Australia
Platform ID GPL18480
Series (1)
GSE137098 Embryonic stem cell-derived neurons as a model system for epigenome maturation during development
BioSample SAMN12715455
SRA SRX6818812

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM4066902_RL377.stacks.txt.gz 66.2 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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