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Sample GSM3892798 Query DataSets for GSM3892798
Status Public on Aug 14, 2019
Title 32-CD8 RNA seq
Sample type SRA
Source name hepatocellular carcinoma tissue
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: CD8 T cells
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Cells were cryopreserved in Trizol reagent and RNA extracted according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Total RNA quality was assessed with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer System. Extracted RNA samples were processed using the QuantSeq 3’ mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit (Lexogen, Vienna) and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 500. A median 2.0x107 (range 1.7x107 to 2.4x107) single-end reads with 75 bp were generated.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Description 32-CD8
Data processing Reads were trimmed based on sequencing quality using Sickle.
Poly-A tails and adaptor contents were removed using Cutadapt.
Trimmed reads were aligned on a human reference sequence (hg19) using Tophat2.
The number of mapped reads on the 3’ end of each gene was calculated using Bedtools.
Genome_build: hg19
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: Raw read count
Submission date Jun 17, 2019
Last update date Aug 14, 2019
Contact name Su-Hyung Park
Organization name Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Street address 291 Daehak-ro
City Daejeon
ZIP/Postal code 34141
Country South Korea
Platform ID GPL18573
Series (1)
GSE132812 Gene expression profiles of tumor-infiltrating CD8 T cells in hepatocellular carcinoma
BioSample SAMN12071908
SRA SRX6076610

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Raw data are available in SRA
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