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Sample GSM3768370 Query DataSets for GSM3768370
Status Public on Oct 04, 2019
Title SNI_7dpi
Sample type SRA
Source name trigeminal nuclei
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics strain: C57BL
age: > 6 wks
genotype/variation: spared nerve injury
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Trigeminal ganglia were harvested and incubated in RNAlater (ThermoFisher) at 4oC overnight. Tissues were then transferred and stored at -80oC until use. Tissues were homogenized using a glass dounce homogenizer on ice. Neuronal nuclei were isolated using rabbit anti-NeuN antibody (Abcam) followed by anti-rabbit IgG microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec) and LS column (Miltenyi Biotec).
Libraries construction were performed either with the Drop-seq protocol from the McCarroll lab (for Drop-seq runs) or with method from 10x Genomics for 10x Chromium runs.
Library strategy ncRNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection size fractionation
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Description spared nerve injury was performed on the infraorbital nerve. Nuclei were isolated for snRNA-seq 7 days after injury.
Data processing bcl2fastq (v2.17) was used for basecalling
Sequence reads were processed using the Drop-seq cookbook (v 1.12) from the McCarroll lab ( for Drop-seq libraries. Sequence reads from 10x libraries were processed using Cell Ranger 2.1.0 from 10x Genomics (
Reads were aligned using STAR (v 2.5.3a) to a pre-mRNA mm10 genome.
Seurat package (v2 and v3) was used for downstream data analysis in R as described by the Satija lab (
Genome_build: mm10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: csv files with cell barcodes and corresponding gene expression counts; only nuclei meeting minimum threshold of transcripts are included for analysis
Submission date May 15, 2019
Last update date Oct 04, 2019
Contact name Minh Q Nguyen
Organization name NIDCR/NIH
Street address 9000, Rockville Pike
City Bethesda
State/province MARYLAND
ZIP/Postal code 20892
Country USA
Platform ID GPL19057
Series (1)
GSE131272 Stereotyped transcriptomic transformation of somatosensory neurons in response to injury
BioSample SAMN11654448
SRA SRX5836841

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