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Sample GSM325475 Query DataSets for GSM325475
Status Public on Mar 01, 2010
Title Autogamy_T11_rep3
Sample type RNA
Source name total_RNA_from_cells
Organism Paramecium tetraurelia
Characteristics Strain d4-2 is an entirely homozygous laboratory strain. d4-2 is a hybrid strain carrying a few genes from strain 29 in the genetic background of strain 51.
T11 = 4000 cells per mL (1% vegetative, 1% skeins, 57% fragmented macronucleus, 41% with visible anlagen)
Biomaterial provider Mireille Bétermier - CNRS
Growth protocol Cells were grown in a wheat grass powder (Pines International Co., Lawrence, USA) infusion medium bacterized the day before use with Klebsiella pneumoniae, and supplemented with 0.8 mg/l of beta-sitosterol (Merck, Darmstadt, FRG). Unless otherwise stated, cells were maintained at 27°C. The progression of autogamy through the different stages of nuclear reorganization was monitored by DAPI staining of cells.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted from unwashed cell pellets using the TRIzol (Invitrogen) procedure, modified by the addition of glass beads. After the Trizol/Chloroform treatment, the supernatant was precipitated with isopropanol, the pellet was washed with ethanol and finally resuspended in DEPC-treated water. The RNA concentration was estimated by optical density at 260 and 280 nm.
Label Cy3
Label protocol RT stratagene FAIRPLAY microarray labeling kit
Hybridization protocol Microarrays were hybridized using the GeneTAC Hybstation (Genomic Solutions)
Scan protocol The slides were scanned using GenePix 4000B scanner equipped with laser to excite Cy3 and Cy5. All slides were scanned using 100% laser power and PMT voltage auto-adjustment.
Description The resulting 16 bit images were analysed using the GenePix Pro 6.0® software.
Data processing The data overview and preprocessing were processed using MANGO (MicroArray Normalization tool of GodMap) software (ref1), an R script that allows the user to make a complete differential analysis of several two colour microarrays from raw data file via an overview and a preprocessing of all the slides. The morphological background was substracted. single-color normalization adjusting across arrays the quantiles of the intensities distribution was computed using the normalizeQuantiles function of the R limma package (ref2: see rawdatatrieparID.txt file submitted to GEO as a Sup Table). For each slide, an arithmetic means was calculated from the normalized values obtained for all replicate spots corresponding to each probe
Submission date Sep 30, 2008
Last update date Aug 24, 2009
Contact name nicolas Agier
Phone 01 69 82 37 65
Organization name CNRS
Department transcriptomique
Lab plateforme GODMAP
Street address Avenue de la terrasse
City Gif sur Yvette
State/province Ile de France
ZIP/Postal code 91198
Country France
Platform ID GPL7296
Series (1)
GSE12988 Screening of the Paramecium tetraurelia megabase chromosome for autogamy-specific genes

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Means of normalized signal for all replicates

Data table
1 228.0566667
2 110.1166667
3 217.04
4 129.4933333
5 132.58
6 369.8733333
7 633.39
8 448.22
9 263.78
10 297.0866667
11 4833.296667
12 406.92
13 163.2333333
14 188.3333333
15 257.7666667
16 315.02
17 465.85
18 307.4766667
19 1777.576667
20 1210.023333

Total number of rows: 466

Table truncated, full table size 6 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM325475.gpr.gz 142.3 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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