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Sample GSM307286 Query DataSets for GSM307286
Status Public on Jun 30, 2009
Title lacZ siRNA transfected HCT116-3(6), replicate 1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Human HCT116-3(6) cells lacZ transfected, HU treated
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Human HCT116-3(6) cells lacZ transfected, HU treated
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA from HCT116-3(6) cells transiently transfected with lacZ siRNA oligo with treatment of HU was isolated using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen), according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Total RNA were converted to cRNA, labeled with Cy3 dUTP using Agilent Low Input Linear RNA Amplification, and hybridized to the Phalanx Human One array
Channel 2
Source name Human HCT116-3(6) cells lacZ transfected, untreated
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Human HCT116-3(6) cells lacZ transfected, untreated
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA from HCT116-3(6) cells transiently transfected with lacZ siRNA oligo without treatment of HU was isolated using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen), according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Total RNA were converted to cRNA, labeled with Cy5 dUTP using Agilent Low Input Linear RNA Amplification, and hybridized to the Phalanx Human One array
Hybridization protocol standard hybridization procedure
Scan protocol After hybridization, the slides were scanned with Axon 4000B, and the raw data were generated by Genepix 6.0.
Description Four biological repeats were performed for each condition (-HU or +HU), with two technical repeats (dye swap) per biological sample.
Data processing The data was normalized with quantile normalization of DNAMR (, and fitted with the linear model from the R package Limma (Smyth, 2004).
Submission date Jul 24, 2008
Last update date Jun 30, 2009
Contact name Vera Huang
Organization name UCSD-Moores Cancer Center
Department Medicine
Lab Jean Wang Lab
Street address 3855 Health Science Drive, Room 4317
City La Jolla
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 92093
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6254
Series (1)
GSE12242 Gene expression profiling in p53 and p73 double knockdown HCT116-3(6) cells

Data table header descriptions
R6061_m normalized Cy5 signal
G6061_m normalized Cy3 signal
VALUE normalized log2 ratio (HU/untreated)

Data table
ID_REF R6061_m G6061_m VALUE
PH_hs_0004877 11.5769436 11.20931744 -0.046555989
PH_hs_0033433 7.326422486 6.906439612 -0.08516673
PH_hs_0026582 6.562060656 6.73469372 0.037463407
PH_hs_0035481 9.522461177 8.536924339 -0.157618108
PH_hs_0023317 6.900551029 6.55450721 -0.074224252
PH_hs_0025134 7.870351546 7.144216773 -0.139652222
PH_hs_0023499 9.82923465 8.089915678 -0.280954421
PH_hs_0025293 7.55780634 6.929961486 -0.125120217
PH_hs_0023725 7.450999093 6.953445298 -0.099705905
PH_hs_0040748 6.754825656 6.523476726 -0.050277471
PH_hs_0032109 7.643838156 7.231119228 -0.080078268
PH_hs_0010306 6.929961486 6.947787641 0.003706324
PH_hs_0001352 7.285402219 6.906439612 -0.077066456
PH_hs_0022361 7.398726305 6.870153907 -0.106934512
PH_hs_0014165 10.43503216 9.746721415 -0.098446133
PH_hs_0032993 6.599836172 6.768123608 0.036325704
PH_hs_0021034 12.64117614 12.52037061 -0.013853431
PH_hs_0011065 11.56842486 11.41498134 -0.019263941
PH_hs_0041074 6.754825656 6.768123608 0.002837383
PH_hs_0004580 6.714245518 6.650890981 -0.01367767

Total number of rows: 30932

Table truncated, full table size 1516 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM307286.gpr.gz 3.9 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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