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Sample GSM302307 Query DataSets for GSM302307
Status Public on Jun 02, 2009
Title Lymphoblasts ALD vs. control fam1 rep1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name lymphoblasts from control patient N1
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics immortalized lymphoblasts from N1
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol - Trizol (Invitrogen) isolation according to the manufactures standard protocol
- Subsequent DNase I treatment
Label Cy3
Label protocol - totalRNA was transcribed, amplified and labeled according to BD Atlas SMART fluorescent probe amplification kit with following modifications:
- RNA template was hydrolized after transcription (high pH, 30 min/70 degree celcius)
- PCR amplification progress was monitored and stopped before reaching saturation
Channel 2
Source name lymphoblasts from ALD patient B2
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics immortalized lymphoblasts from B2
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol - Trizol (Invitrogen) isolation according to the manufactures standard protocol
- Subsequent DNase I treatment
Label Cy5
Label protocol - totalRNA was transcribed, amplified and labeled according to BD Atlas SMART fluorescent probe amplification kit with following modifications:
- RNA template was hydrolized after transcription (high pH, 30 min/70 degree celcius)
- PCR amplification progress was monitored and stopped before reaching saturation
Hybridization protocol - hybridization according to Agilent 60-mer oligo microarray processing protocol v2.1 with the following modifications:
2 micro gram labeled DNA per channel were mixed
no fractionation
probes were denatured for 3 min at 98 degree celcius
hybridization at 65 degree celcius
SSPE washes as recommended
slides were dipped in acetonitril (10 s) then dried
Scan protocol - scanned with a G2505B Microarray Scanner (Agilent Technologies)
- quantification software: Feature Extraction (GE2-v4_91, Agilent Technologies)
Description - RNA quality control with Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
- Dye incorporation with NanoDrop ND-1000
Keywords = ALD, lymphoblasts
Data processing - Normalization of the log2(cy3/cy5)-ratios with pinwise non-linear loess regression
- variance homogenisation by division of each value with the standard deviation
of the normalized log2-ratios
- statistical software: R
Submission date Jul 01, 2008
Last update date Jun 02, 2009
Contact name Gabriela Salinas
Organization name Universitaetsmedizin Goettingen
Department Department of Pathology
Lab NGS Integrative Genomics
Street address Kreuzbergring 57
City Goettingen
State/province Lower-Saxony
ZIP/Postal code 37075
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL7002
Series (1)
GSE11964 Cystic leukoencephalopathy without megalencephaly

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Log2 Ratio of normalized Cy3 (green) signal to normalized Cy5 (red) signal
gSignal raw Cy3 (green) signal for control
rSignal raw Cy5 (red) signal for disease
gProcessedSignal normalized Cy3 (green) signal
rProcessedSignal normalized Cy5 (red) signal

Data table
ID_REF VALUE gSignal rSignal gProcessedSignal rProcessedSignal
1 -1.70061615443735 9.10825418750175 9.45185049622951 8.42974426464695 10.1303604190843
2 null null null null null
3 -1.17287314568610 11.3854509905979 11.1619752035571 10.6872765242344 11.8601496699205
4 0.183194309973192 13.6833982010121 13.39664357717 13.6316180440776 13.4484237341045
5 0.50913831433997 11.6201153317395 10.624106379316 11.3766800126977 10.8675416983577
6 -0.582624828703518 11.6594442994301 11.1785279191809 11.1276736949537 11.7102985236572
7 0.212101112642197 8.08695780960033 7.55775240318348 7.92840566271301 7.71630455007081
8 null null null null null
9 0.904016404207349 9.01963631568901 7.99953781271858 8.96159526630747 8.05757886210012
10 0.00984021373374368 8.42519827608138 7.88760812584778 8.16132330783145 8.15148309409771
11 -0.0571059966267303 7.59384972420115 7.25033821584129 7.39354097170785 7.45064696833458
12 1.22377915664043 9.26166761280375 8.11175227101345 9.29859952022881 8.07482036358839
13 -0.105460228535275 6.97345859522519 6.70092654556988 6.7844624561299 6.88992268466517
14 1.87839791780232 15.0737708713839 14.401742847467 15.6769558183266 13.7985579005243
15 null null null null null
16 0.309670569967524 8.90594111012078 8.15863190277024 8.68712179142927 8.37745122146175
17 -0.146710672361704 7.44339530371428 7.153989713691 7.22533717252179 7.37204784488349
18 0.162837333060109 7.22915047220185 6.85604947625123 7.12401864075659 6.96118130769649
19 0.980552475408292 9.60506442888114 8.66177809777199 9.62369750103071 8.64314502562241
20 null null null null null

Total number of rows: 10804

Table truncated, full table size 845 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM302307.xml.gz 2.0 Mb (ftp)(http) XML
Processed data included within Sample table

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