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Sample GSM3005142 Query DataSets for GSM3005142
Status Public on Aug 08, 2019
Title 8h_rep1 (Pulse-Chase)
Sample type RNA
Source name mouse ESCs
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell type: ESCs
treatment: 8h treatment with 4OHT
Treatment protocol cells were stimulated with 250nM 4OHT, or treated and subsequently inhibited with 1μM PD0325901
Growth protocol Cells were grown in standard ESC medium supplemented with LIF and 250nM PD173074
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was collected using the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). Genomic DNA was eliminated by DNAse treatment (Qiagen).
Label Cy5
Label protocol RNA was amplified into cRNA and 100ng of total RNA was labeled using the Low Input Quick Amp Labeling Kit (Agilent Technologies- 5190-2305).
Hybridization protocol Samples were then hybridized to the Agilent-028005 SurePrint G3 Mouse GE 8x60K Microarray (60000 probes, Agilent Technologies).
Scan protocol Images were scanned using the high sensitivity protocol (AgilentG3_HiSen_GX_1color) on a SureScan microarray scanner (Agilent Technologies) and probe intensities were obtained by taking the gProcessedSignal from the output of Agilent feature extraction software using default settings.
Description Gene expression data from 8h treated cells
Data processing Probe intensities were analyzed using the NIA Array Analysis tool (
Submission date Feb 15, 2018
Last update date Aug 08, 2019
Contact name Josh M Brickman
Organization name Copenhagen University
Department reNEW
Lab Brickman
Street address 3B Blegdamsvej
City Copenhagen
ZIP/Postal code 2200
Country Denmark
Platform ID GPL13912
Series (2)
GSE110662 Erk-dependent transcriptome
GSE132444 Dynamic Lineage Priming by ERK is Driven by Transcription Factor-Independent Enhancer Regulation

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Data is presented as probe intensity values (gProcessedSignal)

Data table
1 1.58E+04
2 1.79E+00
3 1.81E+00
4 1.83E+00
5 4.66E+01
6 1.87E+00
7 1.89E+00
8 4.09E+02
9 1.92E+00
10 1.16E+01
11 7.51E+00
12 1.96E+00
13 9.18E+01
14 1.80E+03
15 9.83E+00
16 1.99E+00
17 5.75E+03
18 2.36E+02
19 1.49E+03
20 8.36E+04

Total number of rows: 62976

Table truncated, full table size 911 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM3005142_SG12524268_252800521335_S001_GE1_1100_Jul11_1_2.txt.gz 3.2 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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