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Sample GSM2990616 Query DataSets for GSM2990616
Status Public on Aug 06, 2019
Sample type SRA
Source name RNAseq_BMDM_KO
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics strain background: C57BL/6
genotype: Slc6a8-/y
cell type: Bone marrow-derived macrophages
treatment: none (untreated control)
Treatment protocol Peritoneal macrophages were untreated or treated with IFNg (10 ng/mL) for 12 hours. Bone marrow-derived macrophages were untreated or treated with IL4 (10 ng/mL) for 6 hours.
Growth protocol Mice were intraperitoneally injected with 1 ml of 4% thioglycollate for 3-4 days and peritoneal macrophages were isolated. Bone marrow isolated from mice were cultured with 10% M-CSF for 5 days to differentiate into macrophages.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Cells were washed by PBS and RNA was extracted from whole cell lysates with total RNA purification kit (TR01, GeneMark).
RNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model BGISEQ-500
Description RNAseq_BMDM_KO_UT
Data processing Base-calling made by Zebracall process version
RNA-seq reads were aligned to the mm10 genome assembly using Bowtie2 version 2.2.5
Reads were filtered as the unsure bases less than 10% and low quality (I<10) bases less than 50%.
FPKM value was quantified by RSEM tools
Genome_build: mm10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: FPKM
Submission date Feb 09, 2018
Last update date Aug 06, 2019
Contact name Liangliang Ji
Organization name Institute for Immunology
Department School of Medicine
Lab Xiaoyu Hu
Street address Tsinghua University
City Beijing
ZIP/Postal code 100084
Country China
Platform ID GPL23479
Series (2)
GSE110395 Metabolic reprogramming of macrophage polarization by creatine [RNA-seq]
GSE110456 Metabolic reprogramming of macrophage polarization by creatine
BioSample SAMN08512429
SRA SRX3676673

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2990616_BMDM_KO_UT.gene.fpkm.txt.gz 1.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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