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Sample GSM2766542 Query DataSets for GSM2766542
Status Public on Mar 15, 2020
Title genomic DNA from distal femur trabecular bone Cjac06 (marmoset_intraspecific)
Sample type genomic
Source name distal femur trabecular bone from marmoset
Organism Callithrix jacchus
Characteristics Sex: male
age (years): 5.39
tissue: bone
femur length (mm): 56
bicondylar femur length (mm): 56
maximum femur length (mm): 56
superior shaft width (mm): 5.77
superior shaft depth (mm): 4.87
middle shaft width (mm): 4.21
middle shaft depth (mm): 5
inferior shaft width (mm): 6.24
inferior shaft depth (mm): 4.25
head height (mm): 4.94
head length (mm): 5.02
head width (mm): 4.29
anatomical neck length (mm): 3.78
anatomical neck height (mm): 4.4
anatomical neck depth (mm): 2.92
biomechanical neck length (mm): 11.36
proximal width (mm): 10.85
lesser trochanter to head (mm): 11.84
lesser trochanter to neck (mm): 10.26
lesser to greater trochanter (mm): 12.87
medial condyle height (mm): 4.67
medial condyle depth (mm): 7.1
medial condyle width (mm): 2.9
lateral condyle height (mm): 4.67
lateral condyle depth (mm): 7.31
lateral condyle width (mm): 3.23
intercondylar notch width (mm): 2.21
intercondylar notch depth (mm): 2.31
bicondylar width (mm): 8.65
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol genomic DNA was extracted from pulverized trabecular bone using a phenol-cholorform protocol
Label Cy5 and Cy3
Label protocol 400ng of DNA was bisulphite converted using the EZ DNA methylation kit (Zymo Research)
Hybridization protocol Infinium MethylationEPIC array
Scan protocol standard illumina scanner
Description medial condyle distal femur trabecular bone from marmoset
Data processing Raw fluorescent data were normalized using the Noob background correction method with dye-bias normalization followed with a between-array normalization method (functional normalization) as implemented in the R package minfi. After normalization, methylation values (beta values) for each site were calculated as the ratio of methylated probe signal intensity to the sum of both methylated and unmethylated probe signal intensities.
Those probes with failed detection levels (p-value > 0.05) in greater than 10% of samples were removed. Cross-reactive probes, probes containing SNPs at the CpG site, probes detecting SNP information, probes detecting methylation at non-CpG sites, and probes targeting sites within the sex chromosomes were also removed using the minfi package in R.
Lastly, probes that were determined to be non-specific to each nonhuman primate genome were also removed. Filtering for these files was based on Hernando-Herraez et al. (2013). Briefly, all 485,512 probes were mapped to the appropriate nonhuman primate genome, and only those probes that successfully mapped to the genome, had only 1 unique hit, and targeted CpG sites were retained. Additionally, probes were kept for subsequent analyses only if they had 0 mismatches in 5bp closest to and including the CpG site, and had 0-2 mismatches in 45bp not including the CpG site.
- Hernando-Herraez I, Prado-Martinez J, Garg P, Fernandez-Callejo M, Heyn H, Hvilsom C, et al. Dynamics of DNA methylation in recent human and great ape evolution. PLOS Genet 2013;9:e1003763.
Nonhuman Primate Genome: Callithrix jacchus
Submission date Aug 31, 2017
Last update date Mar 15, 2020
Contact name Genevieve Housman
Organization name University of Chicago
Department Genetic Medicine
Street address 920 East 58th Street, CLSC 317
City Chicago
State/province IL
ZIP/Postal code 60637
Country USA
Platform ID GPL21145
Series (2)
GSE103328 Assessment of DNA methylation patterns related to femur bone morphology in marmoset bone using the 850K array
GSE103332 Intra- and Inter-Specific Investigations of Skeletal DNA Methylation Patterns and Femur Morphology in Nonhuman Primates

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Average Beta

Data table
cg00000165 0.052479706
cg00001364 0.889843736
cg00001446 0.853173922
cg00001582 0.006280457
cg00001793 0.480223954
cg00001810 0.68566504
cg00001874 0.79595499
cg00002033 0.004521293
cg00002186 0.886189982
cg00002366 0.810841172
cg00002426 0.759512452
cg00002809 0.487116384
cg00002810 0.051492446
cg00003036 0.047229159
cg00003266 0.792214134
cg00003345 0.901686487
cg00003407 0.004374515
cg00003529 0.828441602
cg00003578 0.940343239
cg00003994 0.05174554

Total number of rows: 68709

Table truncated, full table size 1535 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2766542_200705360064_R01C01_Grn.idat.gz 6.7 Mb (ftp)(http) IDAT
GSM2766542_200705360064_R01C01_Red.idat.gz 6.9 Mb (ftp)(http) IDAT
Processed data included within Sample table

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