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Sample GSM2482836 Query DataSets for GSM2482836
Status Public on Mar 06, 2017
Title Flutamide_1
Sample type SRA
Source name LNCaP cells
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: prostate
cell line: LNCaP
Treatment protocol LNCaP cells were treated with DMSO, 15 μM flutamide, 35 μM PPC or the combination for 6 hours
Growth protocol LNCaP cells were grown in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin/streptomycin
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Cells were lysed and RNA isolated using the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The amount of total RNA was quantified using Qubit 2.0 Fluorometric Quantitation system and the RNA integrity number (RIN) was determined using Experion Automated Electrophoresis System
RNA-Seq libraries were prepared with TruSeq Stranded mRNA LT sample preparation kit using Sciclone and Zephyr liquid handling robotics. Library amount was quantified using the Qubit 2.0 Fluorometric Quantitation system and the size distribution was assessed using Experion Automated Electrophoresis System
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 3000
Description 6 hours treatment
Data processing Reads were aligned with tophat (v2.0.4) with the --no-novel-juncs --no-novel-indels options
Gene expression was calculated as Reads Per Kb per Millions of reads (RPKMs) using from the RSeQC package and the NCBI RNA reference sequences collection (RefSeq) downloaded from UCSC
Genome_build: hg38
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: cufflinks outputs including RPKM values for indicated samples, log2 values of the fold change and statistical analysis
Submission date Feb 10, 2017
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Marco Paolo Licciardello
Organization name The Institute of Cancer Research
Street address 15 Cotswold Road
City London
ZIP/Postal code SM2 5NG
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL21290
Series (1)
GSE94783 A combinatorial screen of the CLOUD uncovers a synergy targeting the androgen receptor
BioSample SAMN06320337
SRA SRX2550995

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