Agilent Array CGH protocol, with some modifications. Briefly, labeled DNA was combined with Cot-1 DNA, blocking reagent, and hybridization buffer. The hybridizations were carried out at 60°C.
Scan protocol
The arrays were scanned using an Agilent dual laser scanner.
For each replicate array, we labeled 1µg of spike-in sample and 1µg of control sample. The Bioprime Plus Array CGH labeling Module (Invitrogen Catolog number 18095-014) was used. The spike-in was labeled with the red channel dye (Alexa Fluor-647) and the control was labeled with the green channel dye (Alexa Fluor-555) in two of the replicates. A dye swap was performed for the third replicate. These samples were then competitively hybridized to three replicate 244k arrays from Agilent, (AMADID 25150451). We hybridized the samples to the arrays using the Agilent Array CGH protocol, with some modifications. Briefly, labeled DNA was combined with Cot-1 DNA, blocking reagent, and hybridization buffer. The hybridizations were carried out at 60°C. The arrays were scanned using an Agilent dual laser scanner, and the images were processed using Agilent Feature Extraction Software.